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NTG: social skills for future tourism

Growing numbers of tourists from Asia


The first – desk research – phase of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance project came to an end in October 2018 with a report composed under the supervision of Breda University of Applied Sciences. This report reviews the current skills situations in the partner countries involved and analyses some trends that will impact future skills for tourism. In this blog, we will take a closer look at one of these trends: growing numbers of tourists from China.READ MORE

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Business conference ATHE

Creativity and Transformation in Tourism Education – Conference ATHE

Insights from the conference

The 25th annual conference of the Association for Tourism in Higher Education had as its theme: Creativity & Transformation in Tourism Education: REF, TEF, and Collaboration with Industry. Seeking to investigate diverse methodologies of engagement between tourism education and industry, the event focused on areas such as project-based learning (PBL) and establishing alliances with industry, particularly in relation to graduate employability and labour market transformation. Furthermore, key partner Cardiff MET also presented various Next Tourism Generation (NTG) during the conference about the digital and sustainability skills needs in Wales. READ MORE

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Digital touchpoints

How Visit Finland wants to create an ideal digital customer experience

The vision of Visit Finland is that Finland will become a smart, pioneering destination, that provides the best customer journey from daydreaming to travel. This vision has resulted in Visit Finland’s mission to build a nation-wide digital ecosystem to support sustainable growth in travel. Kaisa Kosonen, Digital Development Manager at Visit Finland, explains what Finland does as a country and as a tourism industry to get the country digitalized. In order to reach a final goal, based on the mission and vision, various Next Tourism Generation (NTG)-related skills are necessary nowadays for DMO’s. Several of them will be highlighted in this blog, such as data analysis and augmented reality.

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Helsinki smart tourism

For Helsinki, Smart is more than a buzz word

A lot is happening in Helsinki, a lot of innovation according to Digital Tourism Think Tank. Laura Aalto from Helsinki Marketing agrees and explains that when it comes to tourism development in Helsinki, the focus is on ‘the good life’ for the visitors and inhabitants of Helsinki. The capital city of Finland was proud to tell that it won the Smart City Price, as the first city. For Helsinki, Laura explained, Smart is more than a buzz wordThe Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) aims to concentrate upon those digital, social and sustainable innovations as well, in order to prepare tourism businesses for a futureproof industry. This blog about Helsinki shows how a city can become ‘smart’ in the tourism industry. READ MORE

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