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Promoting Digital Skills in Mid Wales: Real Ceredigion Experiences

Cardiff Met is the Wales partner in the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance that promotes digital and sustainability skills training. This blog outlines the Real Ceredigion Experiences project that delivered digital workshops, highlighted the advantages of adopting technologies and published a Starter Guide to Improving Digital Sales that can be downloaded for free. Louise Dixey from Cardiff Met in collaboration with Val Hawkins of MWT Cymru highlight the policy context and project insights in this blog. This project reflects best practice that can be replicated in Wales and further afield.READ MORE

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Training for tourism micro-services – a new approach is needed

Bed & Breakfast, farm accommodation and holiday rentals have existed for many years, but over the past 10 years, online Platforms like AirBnB or HomeAway have generated visibility and ever-increasing numbers of such services that are very successful in the tourism market. The Next Tourism Generation (NTG) key partner, Eurogites, delves into this topic highlighting success factors, skills gaps and the need for a different approach to recognised training provision.READ MORE

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Dutch industry reflections on the case of Thomas Cook

With the collapse of Thomas Cook last month, travel agents and tour operators in Europe have gone through a turbulent few weeks. In Utrecht, the Netherlands, tour operators and travel agencies gathered together at the ‘What is cooking in travel’ meet-up on November 8th in order to learn from previous mistakes, see where new opportunities have arisen and how the importance of micro-moments for consumers has an impact on travel organizations and their customer journey. NTG was present at the meet-up and collected interesting insights on lessons learnt for the tour operators and travel agencies that are aiming to keep their heads above water in upcoming years.


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The ultimate employee experience: provision of life-long learning

Currently, employers are facing challenges to retain their employees and keep them loyal to their company. Due to the gig economy, ‘a labour market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed permanent jobs ’ (Oxford Dictionary), employees tend to switch jobs faster. This leaves employers desperately seeking new talent that will eventually leave soon as well. The Next Tourism Generation field research shows that low rates of staff retention is a major challenge because tourism and hospitality jobs are not attractive due to the poor image this labour market has.READ MORE

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