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Finland’s Leadership in Green Skills Development: Pioneering Sustainability in the Tourism Industry

Finland has a reputation as a leader in environmental policy and sustainable development. The country is highly committed to global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and has been ranked number one in an international comparison of sustainable development in 2021. It has also established itself as a trailblazer in promoting sustainability and green skills development within the tourism industry. With a commitment to preserving its clean natureĀ and minimising environmental impact, Finland has implemented innovative strategies and initiatives that set a global benchmark.


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Robots, AI and the skills requirements of tourism and hospitality employees

In the recent months, ChatGPT has become a trendy word, and a lot of provocative and even dark forecasts flooded the media. The power of generative AI to create content on a particular topic seems frustrating for many people. The general fear is that the AI will substitute many jobs, thus causing a huge unemployment. On the other hand, AI could significantly enhance employees, especially in service industries like tourism and hospitality.


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Tourism and hospitality along the lines of sustainability by VIMOSZ

As a Pantour consortium member, VIMOSZ is currently involved in 4 projects with sustainability and socio-economic issues as common points. Three projects have the common goal of promoting sustainability. The WASTELESS and Plan’Eat projects focus on sustainability of the food ecosystem by reducing food waste and promoting healthy, sustainable eating habits. The TOURBAN project focuses on the sustainability of urban tourism by introducing innovative solutions and sustainable business models.


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Interacting with travel information: Surf the net, travel the world

Many years ago, when planning a family holidays, tourists would have to go to a travel agency nearby, get loads of colorful brochures and take them home, where they would have to go through that information for several days to compare lodgings and prices before returning to the agency to hire their desired summer break.

At the present time, the Internet has changed completely the way travelers find and organize their holidays and, instead of travel brochures, they can find travel websites, blogs and social network accounts that offer them all the necessary informationā€¦ and much more.


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