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Workation: an opportunity for tourism?

COVID-19 has overwhelmed us like an avalanche: doubtless tourism PMIs have suffered this impact more than any other companies.

A few months ago, many tourism destinations were seeking solutions to the problem of over-tourism. Now, those same cities that were collapsing under the weight of tourists are desperately looking for ways to survive. Someone says that a temporary solution can be represented by workation.


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Co-working in small tourist areas. Sustainable options for young entrepreneurs of Rural Tourism

Ana Momparler is a young tourism technician and works for a Private Tourist Services Centre called 4U, in the center of Priego de Cordoba, rated as one of the most beautiful small towns in Andalusia (south of Spain). 4U brings the entire tourism sector together in a single space: Travel Agency, Active Tourism, a local food and handicrafts shop, museums and tourist office management, etc. The office is a co-working space, shared with other local small tourism companies such as Zerca Hotels.


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