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Mitigate and adapt. Tourism and Climate Change

Knowledge of climate change, commitment to resource and environmental protection and appropriate measures to minimize negative impacts are important key skills for the Next Tourism Generation. The transfer of knowledge to the grassroots of the industry must therefore be an important goal.

Over the last 20 years, there have been numerous studies, guides and reports on climate change and on the role of tourism. The topic is not new. Now, however, the discussion is increasingly taking place at – a fundamental level.


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Tourism Industry Guest Speakers inspire students on virtual field study to Pembrokeshire, Wales

Tourism Industry Guest Speakers inspire students on virtual field study to Pembrokeshire, Wales

In the week of 29th March 2021, local and international students from Cardiff Metropolitan University, Varna University, Bulgaria and City Unity College, Greece, studying for a MSc in Tourism and Hospitality Management, joined a 4-day virtual field study visit to Pembrokeshire in Wales. The Destination Pembrokeshire Partnership (DPP) made up of Pembrokeshire Tourism, Pembrokeshire County Council, PLANED & The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority have worked closely together to launch Pembrokeshire’s new Destination Management Organization ‘Visit Pembrokeshire’ in November 2020. This new Destination Management Organization is the first of its type in Wales bringing together the public, private and third sector to help drive growth and development.


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Innovation starts in crises: Inspiring tourism concepts for sustainable credentials

Innovation starts in crises: Inspiring tourism concepts for sustainable credentials

Sometimes, it is very inspiring to look for best practices and case studies from all over the world. How can we support tourism stakeholders that have been impacted by the pandemic and more importantly, what is needed for tourism to become more resilient in the future, taking account of the changes in our climate? The European Commission has shown once again how important skills are for the future of tourism. Now, we must consider what concepts and ideas we can adapt to develop skills further.


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