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E-Lab – an experimental tourism lab for students

Students can find it challenging starting as a prepared professional in the tourism work field. The Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) aims to address this gap and highlight possibilities and tools to promote professionalism and employability via university tourism modules. Breda University of Applied Sciences offers first-year Tourism Management students the E-Lab module, a 6-week course where they are introduced and acquainted with online programmes and tools used in the industry.


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Interview with Dr. Angela Kalisch: Gender Equality in Tourism

Dr. Angela Kalisch has seen many professional sides of the tourism industry, from working in the tour operator sector in sustainable tourism, academic to now being a Chair for the charity Equality in Tourism International. She has researched, taught and worked within the industry to echo what movements she believes are important in the industry, particularly gender equality in tourism. One of the main social skills that the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) wants to bring to the attention of its audience, is gender equality in tourism. This interview will highlight several interesting insights regarding this matter by Dr. Angela Kalisch. 


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How Transformative Travel can make lives better

Case studies in the travel industry by Jeremy Smith, author of Transforming Travel


The first edition of the Travel Congress in the Netherlands focused on three main pillars: digital skills, social skills and green skills: pillars that NTG also focuses on within the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG). Various keynotes were visited in order to get interesting insights into the current Skills situation in the tourism industry.READ MORE

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NTG: social skills for future tourism

Growing numbers of tourists from Asia


The first – desk research – phase of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance project came to an end in October 2018 with a report composed under the supervision of Breda University of Applied Sciences. This report reviews the current skills situations in the partner countries involved and analyses some trends that will impact future skills for tourism. In this blog, we will take a closer look at one of these trends: growing numbers of tourists from China.READ MORE

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