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The growing value of vegetarian and local cuisine in hospitality

Protection of the environment is going to be and already is one of the hot topics in tourism and hospitality in 2020. The different sub-sectors in tourism and hospitality will have to take this into account through various business decisions. Eurogites focuses on the green trends in hospitality for the upcoming year in the second blog of this trend-series.READ MORE

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Digital innovation trends hospitality for 2020

Digital innovation and a greater commitment to the environment on the part of both tourism service providers and tourists themselves will involve major changes on the side of workers, executives and entrepreneurs. The trends of 2020 outline, in that sense, a quite defined path to follow. Key partner Eurogites look at the digital and environmental innovation trends in this 2-series blog. This blog focuses on the digital trends in hospitality for the upcoming year, based on the trend article of Hosteltur (2019) and the NTG research outcomes.READ MORE

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Addressing Current and Future Skill Requirements in the Irish Tourism and Hospitality Sector: A Collaborative Approach

Key NTG partner, TU Dublin is working closely with the Tourism and Hospitality Careers Oversight Group (COG) in Ireland. The group supports sustainable employment in the Irish Tourism and Hospitality Sector and was formed in March 2016 following a recommendation from the 2015 Expert Group on Future Skills Needs Report. COG works on a collaborative basis and includes industry representative bodies, education and training providers, state agencies and government departments. It provides a forum for practical action and collaboration to address the skills needs of the Tourism and Hospitality Sector in Ireland. COG works to coordinate the relevant bodies to agree and implement a work programme to address current and future labour supply and skills in the tourism and hospitality sector.

The Tourism and Hospitality Careers Oversight Group is an excellent example of best practice at national level and highlights the importance of a collaborative process to identify skill gaps, opportunities and address skills needs.READ MORE

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VR in Tourism

The future of accessible tourism experiences with VR

VR is popular within the gaming industry, but its uses in other industries are slowly being discovered. The concept of virtual reality (VR) has been around since 1929 and was mainly used by pilots and the military. Major growth of VR for the tourism and travel industry is still expected but this innovation needs a more social approach. The Next Tourism Generation spoke with Freek Teunen, a Dutch pioneer, about VR and applying VR to make a more socially inclusive travel industry. With seven years of experience, Freek is a real VR expert. Two years ago, he helped launch the world’s first social VR experience at a theme park to make a family attraction accessible for disabled visitors.READ MORE

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