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The importance of digital workers, beyond technology

Changes in society and in tourism carry workforce to adapt their skills to better find a “marriage” between what clients demand and what we can offer them. From this point, CEHAT has been investigating what the industry should offer to society in order to accomplish one of the missions of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG): improving the qualification of the workforce.



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Recap PM4SD Summer School, Day 2

Day 2 of the PM4SD Summer School, in cooperation with the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) has brought up some new insights. The event focused on the selected theme “Skills, Careers and strategic alliances for Sustainable tourism” and has invited many expert keynote speakers to discuss this rising matter.READ MORE

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Recap PM4SD Summer School, Day 1

The 6th edition of the successful PM4SD Summer School 2018, in cooperation with the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG), has been hosted at Villages Nature Paris. The event focused on the selected theme “Skills, Careers and strategic alliances for Sustainable tourism” and has invited many expert keynote speakers to discuss this rising matter. The PM4SD Summer School Event, is the first public event for the NTG Alliance. In this blog we summarise the main key insights.READ MORE

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Summer School Europe – October 2018, Paris

The Summer School in Leadership and Governance for Sustainable Tourism is an annual European event developed by FEST – Foundation for European Sustainable Tourism with the aim of addressing one very important theme in today’s tourism industry:

How to improve the success of sustainable tourism projects and monitor their benefits?


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