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Professor Talk: Research into digital media and Virtual Reality (VR) in tourism

What do we have to do with VR in tourism organizations? Is there a lot of budget needed? How can organizations benefit from digital media and VR, and what kind of knowledge is necessary to make experiences in VR? The Next Tourism Generation blog team sat down with Professor Marnix van Gisbergen from Breda University of Applied Sciences to ask these important questions. 


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European perspective on the future of food & beverage operations

Food & beverage operations


After the finalization of the NTG desk research and survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted in all partner countries to acquire additional in-depth understanding and insights into the future of digital, green and social skills from the perspective of people working in the tourism industry. Altogether, 264 interviews were conducted in the NTG key partner countries with senior managers, human resource managers, company owners, entrepreneurs, heads of department and other relevant respondents in all five tourism sectors under investigation. This blog focuses on the most important outcomes of the food & beverage operations.



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Insights from destination management organizations: how to get futureproof?

Destination Management Organizations


After the finalization of the NTG desk research and survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted in all partner countries to acquire additional in-depth understanding and insights into the future of digital, green and social skills from the perspective of people working in the tourism industry. Altogether, 264 interviews were conducted in the NTG key partner countries with senior managers, human resource managers, company owners, entrepreneurs, heads of department and other relevant respondents in all five tourism sectors under investigation. This blog focuses on the most important outcomes of the destination management organizations.



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Keynote on the NTG project at ATLAS Africa Conference in Kampala, Makerere University, Uganda

From June 12 – 14, 2019 the 11th ATLAS Africa Conference took place in Kampala, Uganda, organized by ATLAS and Makerere University. The main theme of this conference was Tourism and Innovation. A perfect opportunity to introduce and raise awareness of the innovative project of the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG). During her keynote, Dineke Koerts from Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUAS) introduced the project, presented initial findings and reflected on some points of discussion. Both ATLAS and BUAS are key partners of the NTG project.


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