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Tourism Top

Celebrating youth: preparing the tourism workforce for a digital and sustainable future

A growing body of evidence-based research indicates that education and training, when supported at the macro level, are important means of enhancing youth employability. Young people need relevant skills, knowledge, competencies, and aptitudes to help them obtain jobs and establish career paths. As the demand for skilled labor rises owing to globalization, technological advancements, and the changing organization of work, quality education, and appropriate training will be key to addressing employment challenges.READ MORE

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Digital and training- The Government and Chamber system initiatives to relaunch Italian tourism

Digital and training: The Government and Chamber system initiatives to relaunch Italian tourism

Travel and tourism have been among the sectors hardest hit by Covid-19. In Italy, the pandemic has impacted a sector that was already suffering from the effects of ineffective public management and decades of structural delays, despite tourism being one of the domestic economy’s strategic assets, representing 13% of GDP and the highest number of employees in Europe.

The post-Covid relaunch therefore constitutes a unique opportunity to – compensate for the losses of 2020 but also to overcome previous limits and delays, – creating a sector that could constitute the country’s “fuel” to be more efficient. All this could be achieved through public policies aimed at digitization and training.


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