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Expertise in tourism in Italy: trend and outlook

This article describes the general overview of the employment needs of Italian tourism companies, by analysing the data of the Excelsior Information System1 and that relative to the surveys carried out by the Osservatorio sull’Economia del Turismo delle Camere di Commercio (Observatory on the Economics of Tourism of the Chamber of Commerce). The Unioncamere – ANPAL, Excelsior Information System- ranks among the major sources available in Italy on job market issues. Since 2010, it has also been providing forecasts on medium-term employment needs (five-year horizon), through a multisectoral econometric model and with an approach similar to that followed at European level by CEDEFOP. The forecasts currently refer to the 2022-2026 period and are detailed by economic sector, type of employment, professions, levels of education and main fields of study.


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Skills Intelligence: the need for research, data collection, monitoring and the Next Tourism Generation Skills Lab

On Thursday, the 9th of June, the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) hosted the final online conference, ‘The Next Tourism Generation: The transition of green, digital and social skills development.’ All modules were broadcasted live on Youtube, and the audience had the chance to participate, interact and ask questions to speakers and panellists. Georges el Hajal from NHL Stenden, and Stefan van Tulder, Talent Data Labs and Josie both stated the importance of data driven skills development. An innovative research approach is needed to identify upcoming skills gaps and future skills needs.


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The practical use of the NTG Sector Skills Toolkit: an innovative tool to support skills development

The purpose of Module 2 during the final NTG Conference was to explain the practical use of the NTG Sector Skills Toolkit and its flexibility and adaptability for updating and refreshing skill sets in education and industry training contexts. The presentations and panel discussions demonstrated how it is an innovative tool to support skills development and quality skills standards within the tourism education landscape.


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The key succes factors of NTG collaborative Framework for skills development in tourism explained

During the NTG final Conference, a lot of insights have been collected on best practices for skills partnerships. As part of the NTG Blueprint, which sets out a comprehensive methodology to respond to the needs of a new sectoral skills strategy that is innovative, relevant and responsive to the current and future skills scenario in the tourism sector, the skills partnerships has been one of the key succesfactors.

The NTG Collaborative Governance framework within the Blueprint provides guidance on successful collaboration which can support and assist the establishment of National/Regional Skills Partnerships (NRSPs), a key area of focus of the NTG Alliance and the Pact for Skills for Tourism. Additionally, the skills agenda aligns with the Pact objectives of increasing resilience, competitiveness, and social fairness, promoting a culture of lifelong learning, building skills partnerships, and building skills supply.

In this blog we will look at examples from Wales, Italy and Bulgaria.


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