Expertise in tourism in Italy: trend and outlook
This article describes the general overview of the employment needs of Italian tourism companies, by analysing the data of the Excelsior Information System1 and that relative to the surveys carried out by the Osservatorio sull’Economia del Turismo delle Camere di Commercio (Observatory on the Economics of Tourism of the Chamber of Commerce). The Unioncamere – ANPAL, Excelsior Information System- ranks among the major sources available in Italy on job market issues. Since 2010, it has also been providing forecasts on medium-term employment needs (five-year horizon), through a multisectoral econometric model and with an approach similar to that followed at European level by CEDEFOP. The forecasts currently refer to the 2022-2026 period and are detailed by economic sector, type of employment, professions, levels of education and main fields of study.
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