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Tourism Transition Pathway: three words full of meaning

On 10 March 2020, the Commission adopted a new industrial strategy. New compared to what? Why new? The aim was to help EU industry lead the green and digital transformations and to boost the EU’s global competitiveness and open strategic autonomy. In light of the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, the update of the EU industrial strategy highlighted the need to further accelerate the green and digital transitions and increase the resilience of the EU industrial ecosystems.


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Innovating and renewing Skills Intelligence | Recap 1st Pantour webinar

Fast developments in society and the tourism sector led to a new landscape for companies and workers in the industry. Also, due to the pandemic, many jobs in the sector have changed rapidly and new ones have emerged. At the start of the PANTOUR project, a thorough secondary data analysis has been done on current and future skills needs for the tourism industry. Existing data have been analysed, on global and European industry reports, EU policy documents, consultancy papers, and academic research. This has rendered a broad understanding of the status of skills in the tourism industry and what is needed for the future. In this blog, we will share some first insights from these analyses.


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Ireland National Workshop recap | A Solution-Focused Approach to Attracting and Retaining Staff in Tourism

In a joint event organised by the Pantour Consortium, and the Pact for Skills for Tourism (PfST), which promotes joint action through the establishment and implementation of large-scale skills partnerships at national, regional and local levels, on the 17th of February, we brought together panellists in Dublin to discuss this urgent issue in the industry.READ MORE

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Introducing PANTOUR with AnaMaria Camps – project leader CEHAT

How does PANTOUR – the Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills work exactly?


‘The intention of this call is to implement the Blueprint Strategy. Through PANTOUR we aim to boost innovation and training in skills all over Europe. The main objective of PANTOUR is to fill the gap between skills needs and existing education and training in tourism sector. Skills are the key to a better performance of tasks and operations related to every job position. The different addition of the same skills may result on a different job position. We will also establish National Skills Groups which will be integrated by three different stakeholders. Tourism entrepreneurs will give their vision about products, tasks and procedures which will need new skills for professionals; training and education entities will hear and provide that specific curricula and the public sector will promote the necessary environment.’


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