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Building a Sustainable Events Industry in Ireland: Industry Insights on Green Skills and Best Practice

In this blog, key NTG partner TU Dublin, interviews Megan Best, CEO of Native events. Megan shares her insights and knowledge of sustainability and the event and festival industry in Ireland. Native Events is Ireland’s leading sustainable event production company. With more than fifteen years’ experience in event production and a background in environmental management, Native Events is uniquely positioned in Ireland to help events make the transition towards sustainability.READ MORE

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What is the real situation regarding digitalization in German destinations?

The abbreviation DMO once stood for Destination Marketing Organisation and the work of a DMO concentrated on marketing the region by means of classic “push” advertising campaigns. As a result of digitalisation, many tasks have changed and a DMO is increasingly acting primarily as a destination management organisation.

Within the NTG Consortium, the DSFT is actively working on the implementation of content in a DMO competence matrix. The tasks and competencies anchored in this matrix are based on, among other things, the view that the DMO must set an example of leadership in digital issues to the actors in the region in order to keep pace with digitisation. The same applies to the management level of the DMO towards its own team. The right know-how and mindset is crucial for this. The DMO – together with a network of institutions – is therefore often responsible for the “digital” further education of (tourism) service providers. READ MORE

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Future Days for Destinations

Together with other players and associations from the industry, Tourismuszukunft has been organising the Future Days since April, focusing on different topics and target groups. All these webinars, digital discussions or digital round tables are free of charge. And they have shown that the Corona crisis is an accelerator of development in DMOs and it has been realised that, at the moment, making mistakes is allowed more than ever. However, on the other hand, this experience means to learn and have a look at future skills.

The interview below presents the feedback from organizers after the first two events in April and May. Since then, there were more events for destinations and also an extended programme on other topics and targets. German NTG Partner DSFT attended the Future Days for Destinations where it became apparent that NTG future skills are crucial in the process of Change4Destination.READ MORE

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Tourism skills competition

How to Deliver a Tourism Skills Competition for Students: Lessons from Wales

The Tourism Society Cymru in partnership with the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Project partner, Cardiff Met, came together to plan and create a Tourism Skills Competition for students. Calls went out inviting students from colleges and universities across Wales to pitch their best experiences of industry engagement, digital innovation and sustainable tourism. READ MORE

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