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Ellie Fowler: Inspiring and Successful in the Travel Industry

You have been named as one of TTG Media’s 30 Under 30 what an achievement! Tell us more about your career journey.


At the beginning of 2020 we started to really see the results of all the hard work, as I was nominated for the Welsh Wedding Awards 2020 for ‘Honeymoon Organiser of the Year’ and won!!! Then a few weeks later the business was a finalist in the Business Growth South Wales Awards for ‘Rising Star of the Year’. Followed by me then being selected for the TTG Top 30 under 30. It’s fair to say 2020 was off to a flying start!


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Going Green

‘Going Green: Case Study of the Europe Hotel and Resort, Killarney, County Kerry, Ireland’

Sustainability remains a focal point for the accommodation sector and initiatives to minimize the impact of hotel operations on the environment are increasingly important.  An excellent example of this is the Europe Hotel and Resort, Killarney, Ireland that has gone green with 100% renewable electricity to reduce emissions and environmental impact.


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Smart Hotel

Out of the crisis with smart hotels

How can a hotel emerge stronger from the COVID-19 Crisis? In her study “Future Hotel – The Smart Resilient Hotel” (original available in German + English) Prof. Dr. Vanessa Borkmann, head of research at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO), points out fields of action and possibilities. One result: Digitalization promotes resilience in hotels.


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