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Best practice from Ireland: The Mindful Kitchen

The Mindful Kitchen is an innovative project focusing on the wellbeing of chefs, with training aimed at Culinary Arts 1st and 2nd-year students at the School of Culinary Arts and Food Technology at Technological University Dublin. The project, through applied learning modules, aims to bring awareness to the importance of building a positive and respectful work environment in kitchens, as well as generating a creative space for students and developing skills related to such self-awareness, relationship building, communication skills, creativity, social gastronomy and food sustainability.

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Best practice selection on upskilling and reskilling from Italy: Hotel Principe di Savoia

The Hotel Principe di Savoia, known more simply as Principe, is a historic Milanese hotel. When the hotel first opened as ‘Principe e Savoia’ in 1927, its chosen square was on the outskirts of the ‘heart’ of Milan, but the location near to Stazione Centrale made it perfectly positioned for burgeoning business tycoons of the era. The hotel’s central location is within easy walking distance of the newly built Porta Nuova district, with its breathtaking architecture, and the art-loving Brera district’s bustling galleries and art studios. In 2003 the hotel was acquired by the Dorchester Collection, a London-based company wholly owned by the Brunei Investment Agency.

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Best practice on skills development from Greece: The Institute of Greek Tourism Confederation

The Institute of a Greek Tourism Confederation was selected and presented as a best practice because it’s a particularly important initiative towards on the one hand identifying current and future skills needs and on the other hand developing broader reskilling and upskilling actions. The Confederation is a non-profit organisation that has been established as an important social partner, representing the Greek tourism industry both nationally and internationally. The Confederation’s Institute (best practice) has four major partner organisations: Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE), The Hellenic Hoteliers Federation (HHF), The Hellenic Association of Travel & Tourist Agencies (HATTA) and The Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Rented Rooms and Apartments (SETKE). The best practice presents a successful example, on how sectoral partners can develop a large-scale initiative to support lifelong learning through reskilling and upskilling actions. The Institute’s constant focus on skills development defines part of the educational culture of the Greek tourism sector.READ MORE

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