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Best practice selection on upskilling and reskilling from Bulgaria: Chef & Gastro

In today’s rapidly evolving tourism industry, developing a strategic approach on skills development within organisations is crucial for a futureproof sector and workforce to remain competitive and responsive to changing market demands. In this series of best practices we highlight key areas of skills development necessary for the digital and sustainable transformation and inclusive tourism growth. We discuss best practices that have been carefully selected in the PANTOUR project countries to get inspired. In this blog, we focus on Chef & Gastro, a great Bulgarian initiative.


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Best practice from Portugal on skills development: O Valor de Tempo

O Valor do Tempo, “The world has never been so Portuguese”. O Valor do Tempo Group was created in 1994 in Seia, and its first public expression came in 2002 with the opening of the Bread Museum. The group currently owns 15 different Portuguese brands and is a business focused on customer experience. Remaining faithful to the Group’s values, the brands are based on a legacy of Portuguese history and heritage and honour the past and traditions that time has preserved. The brands don’t want to sell a product; they want the customer to go into the shop and feel absorbed by the atmosphere and take away a memory. They want to leave a memory in the customer’s mind.


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Advancing sustainable vocational training in Europe trough Pantour

As active members of the PANTOUR project, Gestlabor had the opportunity to participate in the Peer Learning Activity (PLA) “European Vocational Core Profiles – Towards a Sustainable Model of Joint Vocational Content” organised by the European Commission on 21-22 May 2024. This online event brought together experts and stakeholders in vocational education and training (VET) to discuss innovative approaches and challenges in the development of joint training content across Europe.


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