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Presentations and video’s of the NTG Final Conference

In view of the project’s closure at the end of June, a Final online Conference was organised and held on June 9th, attended by approximately more than 150 participants from the tourism sector across Europe.

Among the invited experts were Dr. Dan Tromans – Qualification Wales, Georges el Hajal – NHL Stenden,  Marie-Hélène Pradines – European Commission, Martha Machado – HOTREC, Stefan van Tulder – Talent Data Labs and Josie and Theodor Grassos – EVBB to talk about the need for skills development in tourism. They shared best practices and their perspective on the future of tourism when it comes to skills.

Divided into four modules, the online conference brought together tourism stakeholders from government and policymakers, to industry and education and training institutions on European, national, and local/regional levels. The program was filled around four major topics, discussing current and future needs and the transition of green, digital and social skills development in tourism. Every module focuses on topics such as ‘Collaborative framework on skills development and the NTG Blueprint’, ‘Innovation in Education, Skills Training, and curriculum development’, ‘Assessing skills gaps and future skills needs in tourism’, ‘The road ahead on skills in tourism – Pact for Skills and PANTOUR’. 

The conference also showcases the work done under the Next Tourism Generation project and highlights how the Blueprint project will stimulate the Transition Pathway regarding skills and how the project feeds into the Pact for Skills in Tourism.

Watch it now:  NTG Final Conference 9 June 2022 – YouTube 

Finally, after the conference, the final NTG Consortium meeting took place in Madrid, and the efforts of NTG will be continued in a new project: PANTOUR. The project’s legacy will be the reference for bridging skills gaps and future skills needs in tourism, promoting the Next Tourism Generation Blueprint and the Skills Lab Platform, among other relevant skills resources and tools the project delivered.



NTG Final Conference: The transition of green, digital and social skills development

On the 9th of June, the NTG Alliance hosts the final online conference ‘The Next Tourism Generation: The transition of green, digital and social skills development’. This conference will be divided into four main modules; collaborative framework on skills development and the NTG Blueprint, innovation in Education, Skills Training, and curriculum development, assessing skills gaps and future skills needs in tourism and the road ahead on skills in tourism – Pact for Skills and PANTOUR. 


Next Tourism Generation Alliance participated in the EU Industry Days

Last week, the Next Tourism Generation Alliance participated in the EU Industry Days. The program had a special focus on tourism and skills. Did you know that the tourism sector generates 10% of the European GDP and jobs? During the event, the European Commission presented the ‘transition pathway for tourism’. The Next Tourism Generation already mobilized to catalyze the green and digital transitions of the tourism sector through practice-based research and provide the current next generation of tourism professionals with skills for the future through training and education.

NTG participated in the spotlight event with the track ”EU accelerating the green, digital and resilient transition”. On February 9, Klaus Ehrlich (photo), General Secretary, Ruraltour-European Federation of Rural Tourism and NTG partner, represented the EU Pact for Skills: towards the up and re-skilling of the European workforce.

The NTG Alliance is proud to sign and support the official Pact for Skills partnership

European Commission leads push for new and additional skills for workers in the tourism industry


Today, 31 January 2022,  the Next Tourism Generation Alliance signs and supports the official Pact for Skills partnership for workers in the tourism industry. With the support of the Commission, the tourism industry, European tourism umbrella associations, vocational education and training providers, and trade unions have set up a large-scale skills partnership for the EU tourism ecosystem. Members of the partnership have agreed on specific commitments and indicators to support tourism workers in learning new skills in the coming years. These could include digital, green, and social skills, such as customer service training and language skills, all of which can improve employability in this sector.  One of the objectives of the partnership is to increase upskilling and reskilling activities and participation by 40% for the employed workforce, and by 80% for the unemployed by 2025. As the EU tourism ecosystem has been severely hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, investing in skills is essential to maintain its competitiveness, to meet the economic and social responsibilities of the sector, and to enable its digital and green transition.

Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, said:

“As one of the most impacted ecosystems during the pandemic, tourism businesses have lost valuable employees and are hampered by a lack of skilled workforce. For a sustained recovery, we need to give the tourism workforce the necessary skills to address the changing demands of tourists and to become pioneers in the green and digital transition. National and regional skills partnerships will drive the implementation of the Pact for Skills on the ground.” Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Nicolas Schmit, said: “Europe’s tourism ecosystem is facing unprecedented hardship because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This new partnership for skills will respond the needs of our companies and workers. It will provide tools to support them and will help create new quality jobs”.

Following commitments in 6 other industrial ecosystems, this partnership is a concrete implementation of the Pact for Skills, one of the flagship initiatives under the European Skills Agenda for sustainable competitiveness, social fairness, and resilience. The main objective of the Pact is to mobilise resources and incentivise all relevant partners to take concrete action to upskill and reskill the workforce in key industrial ecosystems. Since its launch, over 500 organisations have pledged to reskill over 1.5 million people in Europe. This initiative also contributes to the EU-level headline target that by 2030, at least 60% of all adults should participate in training every year. In addition, the initiative supports the tourism transition pathway, which is being co-created by tourism stakeholders.

Download the Pact for Skills – Skills Partnership for the Tourism Ecosystem: Pact for Skills Tourism 2021 12 17 – final with logos.

Webinar International Tourism post Corona: Sustainability, digitization and skills | Post event files

 International Tourism post-Corona: Sustainability, digitization, and skills | NTG webinar recap

On the 27th of January 2022, the Deutsches Seminar für Tourismus (partner in the NTG Alliance) hosted the online webinar International Tourism post-Corona: Sustainability, digitization, and skills.


Over 300 participants across Germany and beyond registered for the NTG webinar.

Where to find the post-webinar documents?
Below you can download the presentations as a  recap of the key points drawn from the presentations and highlighting how International Tourism post-Corona will look like in terms of sustainability, digitization, and skills. All files all in German.


  • Mike Adams, TourComm Germany

Download NTG Webinar TourComm Germany Update


  • Olaf Schlieper – German National Tourist Board / Francesco Carovillano Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V.

Download NTG Webinar DZT Nachhaltigkeit und Innovationen_final

Not able to attend the entire program? From now on it is possible to re-watch the presentations during the NTG Webinar (in German). You can re-watch the full four modules on NTG’s YouTube Channel.

JOIN THE LIVESTREAM Webinar 27 January 2022 – International Tourism post Corona: Sustainability, digitization and skills

-/- Please note that this webinar will be in German -/-

Thursday 27 January 2022, 10.00 – 11.30 CET


International tourism is an important engine of growth in Germany. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, international tourism has suffered serious slumps: according to market research by the German National Tourist Board, overnight stays by foreign guests fell by 64% in 2020. The Covid19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for macro social and technological trends. Digitization and sustainability are important future driving forces for the design of offers and the marketing of tourist destinations. The event gives an outlook: How will tourism develop with and post Corona? And what competence requirements result from this?


Program/ Speakers

How will tourism change with and post Corona?

Olaf Schlieper, Head of Innovation Management, German National Tourist Board


What skills are preparing tourism for this change?

Christine Garbe, Leader Seminars and projects, German Academy for Tourism


Practical examples: How can these competencies be created?

Mike Adams, general manager TourComm Germany


Christine Garbe will lead through the program.


More information and registration

Join the live stream of this free online event (the event will be in German)

Join the Webinar ‘New Skills Requirements for Tourism in a Post-Covid World – 9 December 2021

Webinar ‘New Skills Requirements for Tourism in a Post-Covid World – 9 December 2021


Join the livestream: NTG Webinar Series – New Skills Requirements for Tourism in a Post-Covid World – YouTube



This webinar, organized and chaired by key NTG partner, TU Dublin, School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, will discuss and address post-covid skills requirements for tourism. The webinar will focus on perspectives from industry and examples will be presented from a number of different tourism sub-sectors in Ireland including accommodation, food and beverage, travel and tour operators, and visitor attractions. Additionally, the webinar will provide an overview of the reopening and recovery of the tourism industry and post-covid skills requirements at the European and national levels. Speakers include Rob Rankin (member of the Recovery Oversight Group for Tourism and President of the Irish Tour Operators Association), Alan Smullen (Head of People, The Doyle Collection), and Roisin McKee. The webinar will be chaired and moderated by TU Dublin and will conclude with a Q&A discussion.


Program 17.00 – 18.00 CET (16.00 – 17.00 GMT)

  • Introduction
  • Rob Rankin (Recovery Oversight Group for Tourism and President of the Irish Tour Operators Association)
  • Alan Smullen (Head of People, The Doyle Collection)
  • Roisin McKee (Country Director People 1st International)

Join the livestream: NTG Webinar Series – New Skills Requirements for Tourism in a Post-Covid World – YouTube

JOIN the LIVE NTG CONFERENCE ‘ Building a skilled workforce in tourism’

Thursday, 18 November 2021 | 10.00 – 17.15 CET

10.00-11.15: Module 1 – Upskilling and reskilling in tourism and hospitality

  • Natalia Bayona, Director Innovation, Education and Investments at UNWTO
  • Andrew Crisp, owner CarringtonCrisp
  • Sanna-Mari Renfors, Research Manager and the Head of the Center for Tourism Business Development in Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • Saskia Griep, co-founder, and CEO of Better Places and ideator of the Better Tourism Academy
  • Lobke Elbers, Communication Manager Next Tourism Generation Alliance and conference module moderator
    Link to live stream: NTG conference 2021 – MODULE 1 – YouTube


12.00-13.15: Module 2 – Addressing skills needs with innovative collaboration

  • Theodor Grassos, Secretary General of the European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training
  • Dr. Ralf Burbach, Head of the Hospitality Management Discipline and Assistant Head of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, Technological University
    Dublin (Ireland)
  • Hristo Yanev, Serial entrepreneur and practice lecturer at ITB Berlin, WTM London, Emirates Academy of Hospitality, Varna University of Management, University College Birmingham and different worldwide events
  • Jenny DeSaulles, Director of Sector Development within Fáilte Ireland
  • Dr. Fernanda Rabelo, a researcher at the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism in Technological University Dublin, currently working in the Next Tourism
    Generation Skills Alliance and conference module moderator
    Link to live stream: NTG conference 2021 – MODULE 2 – YouTube


14.00 – 15.15 Module 3 – Integrating new skills into industry and education curricula

  • Frances McGettigan, lecturer in the Technological University Shannon Midlands and Mid-West
  • Vicki Wolf, ABTA Partnerships Manager (Education)
  • David Scott, Senior Lecturer at Dalarna University in Sweden Christine Garbe, Expert of Tourism-Sector and Policy at Deutsches Seminar für
  • Dr. Sheena Carlisle, Senior Lecturer in Tourism Management at Cardiff Metropolitan University and conference module moderator
    Link to live stream: NTG conference 2021 – MODULE 3 – YouTube


16.00 – 17.15: Module 4Envisioning a skills partnership in the tourism sector

  • Dr. Barbara Neuhofer, Professor and Head of Experience Design at the Department of Innovation and Management in Tourism at the Salzburg University of Applied
    Sciences, Austria
  • Elfa Kere, Policy Officer for tourism in the Directorate-General for Internal Market,
    Industry, Entrepreneurship, and SMEs
  • Kerstin Howald, Tourism Sector Secretary at the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture, and Tourism (EFFAT)
  • Klaus Ehrlich, General Secretary Ruraltour and coordinator Pact for Skills in Tourism at NTG-Next Tourism Generation Alliance
  • Rino Vitelli, Senior Advisor in Tourism and Project Manager, Coordinator Next Tourism Generation Alliance for Federturismo Confindustria and conference module
    Link to live stream: NTG conference 2021 – MODULE 4 – YouTube

The Pact for Skills one year on: 450 organisations pledge to reskill over 1.5 million people in Europe

Having the right skills is essential for individuals’ success in a fast changing labour market. The recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the rhythm of change in how we live, learn and work, as well as how we progresss in our careers. The Pact for Skills was set up to bring together employers, workers, public employment services, regional authorities and others to identify what skills will be needed in different sectors of the economy to ensure we can flourish in a more green and digital society.

Today, the Pact celebrates its first birthday. A lot has happened in the last year and the strong alliances already built are creating more opportunities for working-age people across Europe to learn new skills and improve their prospects in the labour market and at work.


Bringing stakeholders together

More than 450 organisations from all Member States have signed up – and the community is growing. Members include:

  • big multinational companies such as Nestlé, SAP, Google, Cisco, Microsoft, Ford Europe and Hitachi Europe
  • local training providers
  • chambers of commerce
  • small and medium-sized enterprises
  • sectoral clusters such as the AVASEAN cleantech cluster in Spain and the “mareFVG” marine technology cluster in Italy
  • regional authorities
  • employer and trade union representatives.


The Next Tourism Generation Alliance supports and contributes to the Pact for Skills in Tourism. 


What does it mean to be a Pact for Skills member?

Everyone joining the Pact commits to a charter to build quality and inclusive skills initiatives and work against discrimination and for equal opportunities. 

They also set out for their partnership or organisation concrete targets on what they want to do to increase skills, for instance, a commitment to:

  • train people in their sector
  • invest in up and reskilling
  • develop new training programmes
  • promote the value of learning in their organisation and with their partners.

Following high-level round tables with movers and shakers in the 14 ‘industrial ecosystems’ identified by the EU Industry Strategy, large-scale partnerships are starting to emerge. Tourism is one of them. 


Examples of what is happening

The Automotive Skills Alliance: more than 80 partners working in 5 thematic areas that respond to some of the most pressing drivers of change for the automotive sector. In the coming years, they’ll train 700,000 people for a mobility workforce of the future.

The Tourism Sector is building a partnership under the Pact for Skills to attract talent and build capacity in the tourism subsectors.

A lot of examples can be found on the website of the European Commission.


Get involved

Through the Pact for Skills, the European Commission is bringing together stakeholders to create a culture of lifelong learning at work.

The Pact is one of the 12 flagship actions of the European Skills Agenda that the Commission presented in July 2020.

The Agenda’s actions, including the Pact for Skills, set a policy framework for delivering on the objectives of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

This includes the EU level target, welcomed earlier this year at the Porto Social Summit by Heads of State and Government, that by 2030 at least 60% of adults should participate in training every year


Join the Pact for Skills!

See what others are doing, get inspired, and take the next step by signing up.


Want to learn more first? During the free Next Tourism Generation online conference, ‘Building a Skilled Workforce in Tourism’ one of the modules is dedicated to Envisioning a Skills Partnership in Tourism. Join this free session on 18 November 2021, from 16.00 – 17.15 by registering for the conference. Click here.