NTG Blueprint Strategy and Action Plan for addressing digital, social and green skills needs in the European tourism
Building on previous work by the European Commission and sectoral partners to address skills gaps in tourism, the NTG Alliance is one of the Sector Skills Alliances set up as part of the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills. Each Sector Skills Alliance is funded by the European Commission Erasmus + KA2 programme and was tasked with setting up a Blueprint to help direct the way forward for skills development across a wide range of stakeholders. Thus, the NTG Alliance has developed the first Pan-European Skills Blueprint for the Tourism Industry, presented in this document. The Blueprint provides a roadmap for addressing digital, social and green skill needs in the tourism sector in Europe through transformational collaboration between industry, education, social partners and government.
This Blueprint sets out a comprehensive methodology to respond to the need for a sectoral skills strategy that is innovative, relevant, and responsive to the current and future skills scenario for the tourism sector. Importantly, it also builds on previous research such as the European Commission’s Tourism Skills Mapping exercises and Panorama Skills in Tourism and work by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
Download the full press release here: NTG Press Release Blueprint Strategy Skills Development in Tourism
Download the blueprint here: Final Next Tourism Generation Blueprint Report
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