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Hotel recovery levers after covid: Insights from Spain

During the months of July and August 2020, only 50% of the hotels in Spain have been open, as opposed to 100% that would have been in a normal year, a year in which we would not have been living through a pandemic. The figure is even worse for the month of September, when the operating hotel offer did not exceed 30%. From October onwards, the hotels have had to gradually close, until there is a remainder called “refuge hotels” of barely 10% of the existing capacity in Spain, as establishments open to facilitate the accommodation of transport or health personnel throughout the country.


Cybersecurity in Tourism & Hospitality: the urge of protecting customer data

Organizations in tourism and hospitality have massive databases of personal data nowadays as they ask their consumers to leave their data for better and optimized services. This could be in hotels for example, provide data for loyalty programmes such as preferences of pillows, favourite breakfast and date of birth. However, important information such as e-mail addresses, passport numbers and even creditcard details are being given in order to complete the reservation. Next to that, new technologies also enable guests to check in more efficiently, for example with a mobile application which holds a lot of personal data in order to be able to have a fast check-in. However, according to HotelNewsNow (2018), hackers are often attacking the hospitality industry on the search for secured data. Therefore, managers in tourism and hospitality, but also all other employees in the different departments in the sub-sectors should be aware of the high risks those hacks bring along.

This blog, written by key partner CEHAT, focuses on the importance of cyber security and what skills should be taught to all workers in tourism and hospitality in order to ensure the protection of all the valuable personal data of their guests. In this line, CEHAT collaborates with ITH as the technological arm for the dissemination of this information through international events such as Fiturtech Y, technical conferences throughout Spain and communication through ITH’s newsletter.


ITH Innovation Summit

Key partner CEHAT will attend the ITH Innovation Summit in Madrid on June 25 and 26. They will share the latest results of the Next Tourism Generation Alliance.

Unfortunately, this event has already taken place. However, you can check out the Next Tourism Generation’s blog on ‘How technology wouldn’t work without the hospitality human touch’. Where a segment of the summit is looked upon closer.


Please check the events page for the upcoming and future events.


Fitur Event

Key partner CEHAT will present the efforts of the Next Tourism Generation Alliance at the Fitur Event, which will take place in Madrid on 22, 23 and 24 January 2020.


Unfortunately, this event has already taken place. However, you can check out the Next Tourism Generation’s news article: ‘NTG at FiturtechY – Spain’.


Please check the events page for the upcoming and future events.

Employment in tourism in the digital age – Impact Hub Madrid

“Employment in tourism in the digital age” was the central theme of the conference organised by SEGITTUR on World Tourism Day at the Impact Hub Madrid on 27 September. Our Next Tourism Generation Alliance key partner CEHAT presented the efforts of the Alliance.

The aim of this conference was to analyse how employment is evolving in the tourism sector, which has been undergoing a digital transformation in recent years, making it necessary for staff to develop new skills to respond to the needs of the sector.READ MORE