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VIMOSZ – Hungary

The Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association is the “voice” of the hospitality sector employers in Hungary, its main objective is to represent employers’ interests towards decision- and policymakers. The association is conducting continuous dialogue with the competent ministries in order to enhance the competitiveness of the Hospitality sector.


VIMOSZ is an umbrella organization of the Hungarian hospitality sector (it represents the employers’ of 140.000 employees). VIMOSZ gives the employer side of the Hungarian Sectoral Social Dialogue and is the signatory of the extended Sectoral Collective Agreement.


The organization is member of FoodServiceEurope (contract catering) and is actively participating in European Sectoral Social Dialogue in two committees (FoodServiceEurope – EFFAT and HOTREC – EFFAT). Their most active projects were the development of the Hygiene handbook (online training tool) and the Qualification and Skills Passport of the sector, later integrated into EURES.


VIMOSZ has also participated as consortium partner in the Sector Skills Alliances-Tourism and Catering Project. After the evaluation of skill needs, skill gaps, skill shortages and skill mismatches in the sector across Europe, a new curriculum/qualification – aimed to provide high level skills at EQF level 4 – was developed based on the actual needs of the tourism and catering industry.


Visit the VIMOSZ website

Breda University of Applied Sciences – the Netherlands

Breda University of Applied Sciences (hereinafter referred to as Breda UAS)  is a medium-sized, non-private institution for international higher education with four locations in Breda, about 7,700 students from more than 60 countries and almost 700 employees.

Breda UAS offers education, also for professionals, in the areas of:
Games & Media
Built Environment
Tourism & Leisure

Breda UAS is strongly internationally oriented and develops education and knowledge based on the three themes
• designing and managing experiences
• making places and shaping destinations
• people and goods on the move

In collaboration with the (international) work fields, Breda UAS educates students to become professionals in a globalizing work and knowledge environment. Breda UAS wants to inspire and challenge its employees and students to optimally develop their talents, to integrate knowledge and expertise and to apply them in a sustainable way in society.

Visit the Breda University of Applied Sciences website

People 1st International – United Kingdom

People 1st International is a unique insight driven, talent and performance management expert for employers in the UK tourism and visitor economy sector (hospitality, tourism, leisure, travel, passenger transport and retail industries).


People 1st International works to raise the productivity and professionalism of the sector by helping employers tackle skills and recruitment needs. The role of People 1st International is strategic, identifying industry needs, developing solutions where required in partnership with government and the education and training system to shape a skills system driven by employer demand.


Key activities of the organization include:


  • Research and analysis on the sector workforce skills needs;
  • Development of national occupational standards and professional standards in specific technical disciplines;
  • Design, development and implementation of vocational training models including assessment strategies;
  • Policy dialogue to support collaborative partnerships that include all key partners such as government ministries, education, employers and sectoral agencies;
  • Development of employer-driven training courses and business solutions to support high quality human resource practices;
  • Building capacity and sustainability within work-based formal and non-formal environments;
    Careers information, advice and guidance through professional pathways.


Visit the People 1st International website

Alicante University – Spain

The University of Alicante (UA) is a Spanish public university located in the Valencian Community, on the Mediterranean coast. Created in 1979, it is composed of around 3.800 professors and administrative and services staff, and just over 30.000 students in official degrees. It is a multidisciplinary university, formed by six Faculties and a Higher Polytechnic School, whose principles are research, innovation, entrepreneurship and the real transfer of knowledge.


The Valencian Community is one of the main tourist destinations in Spain in number of travelers and overnight stays, and the tourism sector represents 13.2% of GDP and 14.4% of employment in that region. These data support that the UA imparts two degrees, an official postgraduate and a doctorate in tourism.


Scientific publications in high impact journals in the field of tourism place the UA in a high position in the research ranking. These include: Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Current Issues in Tourism, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management or Tourism Economics.


Visit the Alicante University website

Deutsches Seminar für Tourismus (DSFT) Berlin – Germany

The DSFT Berlin was founded in 1964 with the goal of the professionalization of tourism businesses by training and qualification. Parts of the activities are funded by the German Ministry of Economy.
The DSFT is incorporated by 14 German umbrella organizations in the public and private tourism sector.
Actually, the DSFT is working in three business segments:


The DSFT-Seminars are directed to core skills like online marketing, social competences, quality management, human resource management, product development. In the last 5 years, 330 open seminars with 5,430 participants were realized. In addition, there were 167 in-house trainings with 2,250 participants.


Accessible tourism
In cooperation with disabled associations, the DSFT designed a certification scheme for tourism businesses. This is supplemented by a qualification scheme. Since starting 72 trainings with 1,700 participants took place. Additional 2.000 participants completed the web-based training. Now 2,000 enterprises are signed with the certification “Reisen für Alle” (tourism for all) or in process of certification.

Service Quality Germany

The scheme offers practical tools for the analysis and improvement of service quality. Businesses can reach three different levels of certification. The certification is based on the external assessment of the obligatory quality plans. In the last 5 years, 40 trainings with 490 participants took place. Since 2013 the DSFT is responsible for the certification in Berlin and Hamburg.


Visit the Deutsches Seminar für Tourismus (DSFT) Berlin website

Cardiff Metropolitan University – United Kingdom

Cardiff Metropolitan University has five academic schools which provide practice-focused and professionally oriented education to students from around the globe. The university’s vision emboldens this commitment to education, research and innovation with the Cardiff Met EDGE – a series of Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial skills seeks to develop confidence, resilience and student experiences that will prepare them for life after university.


Cardiff Met is the first university to be an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) for APMG’s PM4SD Certification (Project Management for Sustainable Development) in the UK.  The PM4SD methodology underpins the Next Tourism Generation’s (NTG) project approach and Cardiff School of Management houses staff working on the (NTG) project.  Cardiff School of Management (CSM) is organized into four Departments and performs consistently well in the annual National Student Survey (NSS) in which students are asked to rate their overall university experience.


The tourism, hospitality and events management department provides undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree programmes in tourism, hospitality and events accredited by professional industry bodies, including the Institute of Hospitality and the Tourism Management Institute. Our BA (Hons) International Tourism Management programmes achieved 100% Overall Satisfaction in the NSS.  We are an ABTA Educational Partner and are actively involved in the Association for Tourism in Higher Education, Association of Event Management Educators and the Council for Hospitality Management Education.  Staff within the department deliver the PM4SD Foundation and practitioner qualifications.


The Welsh Centre for Tourism Research (WCTR) produces world-leading and internationally excellent research that engages with practice and policy.  Such research includes: economic impact studies of the Volvo Ocean Race (2018) and UEFA Champions League Final (2017), an analysis of the Welsh food supply chain (2017), event evaluation and toolkit development for Monmouthshire County Council (2015-16) and a review of Wales’ Major Events Strategy for the Welsh Government (2012).  We also partner European projects, including: the Erasmus+ Next Tourism Generation (2018-2022), Erasmus+ Co-operating for Leadership in Tourism (2015-17) and a project on tourism and events in northern regions funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2013-2016).


Visit the Cardiff Metropolitan University website


The European Federation of Rural Tourism (Ruraltour) is a professional tourism trade organization representing a tourism sector with an estimate of 500.000 micro-enterprises and about 5-6,5 million bed places. It is formed by 31 professional and trade organizations from 28 countries of geographical Europe. The comprehensive network covers country and rural businesses such as tourism farms, accommodation in private rural homes (B&B or Self-Catering units), traditional gastronomy, adventure, sport, heritage and cultural activities and associated events related to visitor interests and experiences.  As a whole, this sector stands for about 15% of the European tourism capacity.


Rural Tourism comprises micro-enterprises, self-employed, and services that are not business activity similar to the concept of “collaborative economy”. Their needs in skills and training follow a “generalist” concept, rather than high-level specialization in a specific area. Our longstanding experience and repository of best practice cases about how to achieve adequate training and support outside formal concepts will be integrated into NTG.


Ruraltour provides linkage with other EU tourism industry structures such as NET, ENOS and ATTA, has good contacts with the private sector representing the “Collaborative Economy” (AirBnB, HomeAway), and is actively involved in EU structures for Rural Development (Civil Dialogue Group on Rural Development and ENRD).


Visit the Ruraltour website

University of Sopron – Hungary

The University of Sopron is located in West-Hungary. In the life of an institution, the place itself is determinant. This is because the natural and man-made surrounds, the mentality of the people living there and the history of the city. The University of Sopron concentrates on education and research, developing its strengths guided by its vision and the traditions characteristic of its predecessor, the Academy of Selmecbánya.
All the faculties at the University of Sopron have something interesting and unique to offer. The Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy is an institution with the longest-standing traditions in pre-school education in Hungary. The Faculty of Forestry was the first one in Hungary to start a Wildlife Management training program. Creativity is the common feature of all educational areas including engineering, information science and applied art offered at the Károly Simony Faculty of Wood Science, Engineering and Applied Arts. The programmes of the Faculty of Economics highly correspond to the requirements of the region.
The main goals of the University of Sopron are to further increase its research capabilities and promote internationalization. The University intends to offer more study programmes through English language instruction.


Visit the University of Sopron website

UnionCamere – Italy

Founded in 1901, UNIONCAMERE (Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture) is a public institution whose task is to represent the general interests of Italian Chambers of Commerce in respect of all institutional stakeholders at local, regional, national and international levels, including business organizations, consumers and workers. Moreover Unioncamere formulates common orientations, promotes and carries out joint initiatives and supports the activities carried out by the Chambers system, favoring its development as a network at European and global level.


Unioncamere actively participates, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the consultative bodies entrusted with the monitoring and developing of the international trade policies of Italian Government and works to support SME’s in approaching foreign markets, basically trough the organization of business meetings, but also institution building, technical assistance and training.


Through individual projects, jointly with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Unioncamere mobilizes national and international financial resources for the implementation of initiatives aimed at enterprises development and service centers networking.


Unioncamere’s status and position are governed by Law n.580/93 and several other regulations that reformed the system of the Chambers of Commerce, expanding their role and functions and emphasizing the role of the institutional network to serve communities businesses and local territories. The Legislative Decree n. 219/2016 recently introduced a new reorganization of Chambers of commerce by establishing a maximum number of eligible Chambers of commerce and by redefining their functions.


The Reform Act strengthens the Chambers of Commerce’s activities for active labor policies. Through Excelsior survey, Unioncamere provides detailed information on the occupational needs of Italian enterprises, with the aim to support policies concerning the labour market and the education and training system, and at favoring the matching between labour supply and demand. Since 1997, the Excelsior Information System has been one of the Italian main sources of information on labour market forecast. It is promoted and produced by Unioncamere with the participation of the Ministry of Labour and the European Union.


Regarding tourism, Uniocamere supports the Chamber’s initiatives in tourism and for the overall relaunch of the supply chain, to contribute to make the national offer more competitive. It participates directly in initiatives for the enhancement of landscape and cultural heritage and, through its in-house company Isnart, it carries out studies and publications, surveys and feasibility projects, data processing, creation of database and Observatories, organization of conferences, seminars and debates in the tourism sector. Particular attention is given to the quality of services, for which Unioncamere, in collaboration with Isnart, has established the quality label “Ospitalità Italiana”.


Visit the UnionCamere website

Technological University Dublin – Ireland

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), has produced generations of leaders in a range of fields from Sciences and Health, Business, Law, Social Sciences, Tourism and Hospitality, the Creative and Visual Arts to Engineering and the Built Environment. The lively City-Centre campuses, including the new research and innovation hub at Grangegorman, are home to more than 20,000 students from Ireland and abroad, creating a culturally diverse and stimulating learning and research environment. A comprehensive, dual-sector doctoral-awarding institution, TU Dublin combines the academic excellence of a traditional university with professional, career-oriented learning. Research is strongly focused on problem-solving, and on social and technological development and innovation that advances human knowledge and makes a real impact on people’s lives. 


The NTG team at TU Dublin consists of academics from the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism, Ireland’s centre of excellence in Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure and Event Management education. The School is supported by six research pillars, is active in both academic and industry research at the national and international level and is the lead for the NTG work package 6; to develop a Blueprint Sectoral Skills strategy and action plan that presents the joint industry and education perspectives of the Sector Skills Alliance. 


Visit the website of Technological University Dublin