VIMOSZ – Hungary
The Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association is the “voice” of the hospitality sector employers in Hungary, its main objective is to represent employers’ interests towards decision- and policymakers. The association is conducting continuous dialogue with the competent ministries in order to enhance the competitiveness of the Hospitality sector.
VIMOSZ is an umbrella organization of the Hungarian hospitality sector (it represents the employers’ of 140.000 employees). VIMOSZ gives the employer side of the Hungarian Sectoral Social Dialogue and is the signatory of the extended Sectoral Collective Agreement.
The organization is member of FoodServiceEurope (contract catering) and is actively participating in European Sectoral Social Dialogue in two committees (FoodServiceEurope – EFFAT and HOTREC – EFFAT). Their most active projects were the development of the Hygiene handbook (online training tool) and the Qualification and Skills Passport of the sector, later integrated into EURES.
VIMOSZ has also participated as consortium partner in the Sector Skills Alliances-Tourism and Catering Project. After the evaluation of skill needs, skill gaps, skill shortages and skill mismatches in the sector across Europe, a new curriculum/qualification – aimed to provide high level skills at EQF level 4 – was developed based on the actual needs of the tourism and catering industry.