18 November 2021 | NTG Conference: Building a skilled workforce
Registration is open for the online NTG Conference | Next Tourism Generation: Building a skilled workforce
The theme
The nature of the tourism industry is complex, but it also has the potential to influence positive change. Commitment from all organizations in the tourism field is an essential factor in working together to rebuild tourism. It is necessary to develop an agile and future-proof sector, both in the short and long term. This means investing in human capital whilst preparing for digital developments and planning for more sustainable and impactful tourism solutions. But how do we as a travel sector really make a difference so that it will also change? How do we enable connections between education, industry, and governments, and what digital, green, and social implications are needed for future employment?
During this conference, we aim to bridge this gap by providing more information and context on the necessary skills that the industry demands. How to Upskill and Reskill and collaborate on this? We partner with some of the best experts, organizations, and educational institutions from inside and outside the tourism sector to provide participants with the highest level of expertise and share insights from our Next Tourism Generation Project.
Programme 18 November 2021
Module 1 10.00 -11.15: Upskilling and reskilling in tourism and hospitality
Module 2 12.00-13.15: Addressing skills needs with innovative collaboration
Module 3 14.00-15.15: Integrating new skills into industry and education curricula
Module 4 16.00-17.15: Evaluation and round table discussion
Module 1-4 starts with 20 minutes presentations of keynotes, followed by a round table discussion
Go to the event page for an overview of the speakers and modules. Registration is required.