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18 November 2021 | NTG Conference: Building a skilled workforce

Registration is open for the online NTG Conference | Next Tourism Generation: Building a skilled workforce


The theme

The nature of the tourism industry is complex, but it also has the potential to influence positive change. Commitment from all organizations in the tourism field is an essential factor in working together to rebuild tourism. It is necessary to develop an agile and future-proof sector, both in the short and long term. This means investing in human capital whilst preparing for digital developments and planning for more sustainable and impactful tourism solutions. But how do we as a travel sector really make a difference so that it will also change? How do we enable connections between education, industry, and governments, and what digital, green, and social implications are needed for future employment?

During this conference, we aim to bridge this gap by providing more information and context on the necessary skills that the industry demands. How to Upskill and Reskill and collaborate on this? We partner with some of the best experts, organizations, and educational institutions from inside and outside the tourism sector to provide participants with the highest level of expertise and share insights from our Next Tourism Generation Project.


Programme 18 November 2021

Module 1 10.00 -11.15: Upskilling and reskilling in tourism and hospitality

Module 2 12.00-13.15: Addressing skills needs with innovative collaboration

Module 3 14.00-15.15: Integrating new skills into industry and education curricula

Module 4 16.00-17.15: Evaluation and round table discussion

Module 1-4 starts with 20 minutes presentations of keynotes, followed by a round table discussion


Go to the event page for an overview of the speakers and modules. Registration is required.


Invitation to join the pact for skills in Tourism

The European Commission is launching a Pact for Skills, a shared engagement model for skills development in Europe.

Companies, workers, national, regional, and local authorities, social partners, cross-industry and sectoral organisations, education and training providers, chambers of commerce, and employment services all have a key role to play.

To support a fair and resilient recovery and deliver on the ambitions of the green and digital transitions and of the EU Industrial and SME Strategies, the Commission invites public and private organisations to join forces and take concrete action to upskill and reskill people in Europe.

The Pact is the first of the flagship actions under the European Skills Agenda and is firmly anchored in the European Pillar of Social Rights.

The Pact was officially launched on 10 November 2020.

Join the Pact

Who can join the Pact?
  • Individual companies or other private or public organisations
  • Regional or local partnerships
  • Industrial ecosystems or cross-sectoral partnerships
How can you join the Pact?

You can register here.

This week: European Vocational Skills Week | 9-13 November 2020

On Monday November 9th, the fifth European Vocational Skills Week, has kicked off. The online event is organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

During this week from 9-13 November, there will be a series of virtual conferences, workshops, and associated events on topics essential to future skills in tourism. Such as: vocational education and training (VET), lifelong learning, skills and labour market developments.

What are the future skills needs?READ MORE

Dawn in Snowdonia Wales

BBC Interview with Cardiff Met on Sustainable Tourism in Wales

Louise Dixey from the Next Tourism Generation Project partner, Cardiff Met, featured in a BBC TV and radio program as well as in an online news article on Saturday 17th October 2020. The media coverage focused on the negative impacts of the pandemic on the tourism industry in Wales and how to ensure a lasting recovery. Louise emphasized that Visit Wales has a progressive tourism framework that prioritizes sustainability and that, “Now more than ever, Wales must do everything to ensure tourism in the future supports the wellbeing of local people and future generations to come.” She also highlighted the surge in domestic tourism and the need to disperse visitors away from iconic attractions such as the Snowdown mountain. The NTG project in Wales has worked closely with the Snowdonia National Park to support the development of a Tourism Ambassador skills program.

European Commission funding Tourism through Tourism Manifesto

On the 14th October 2020 the European Commission announced that “if it is not in the plan, it is not in the budget”. Referring to their funding opportunity urging Member States to submit their recovery and resilience plans in order to receive assistance. Tourism must be a key incorporation within the plan, as it is such an important sector within Europe, needing an estimated €161 billion investment to return to pre-COVID 19 levels. “In order to harness the potential of the sector to generate jobs and growth, and to reap the benefits from green and digital transitions” it is important to continue having skills and competencies developed.


European Commission addresses the relevance of the Next Tourism Generation project

The Communication from the European Commission of May 13 on Tourism and transport in 2020 and beyond represents a small but significant milestone for the Next Tourism Generation project. In an official document of one of the most important institutions of the European Union, a prestigious acknowledgement of the importance and value of the project is formally expressed, through the reference that is made to the work we are carrying out and even to our website www.nexttourismgeneration.eu.READ MORE