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Banff natural park tourism

Marketing Canada’s first national park with a data-driven approach

Everything the DMO Banff & Lake Louise Tourism does start with the brand. “We strive to get an emotional connection with our visitors,” explains Diane Bures. The reason is that destinations can look similar to each other. The DMO, where 30 people work, talked with tourists in order to be able to understand how tourists feel as soon as they visit the area. Many quotes were related to how visitors experienced nature. What became evident, was the emotional connection with Banff. Movie brand story “Banff & Lake Louise Alive” A visit to Banff national park means a rare experience, an indelible awe, that will last forever. This blog emphasizes on one of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) sub-sectors, destination management organizations, and what skills are necessary in order to protect the national park from impacts of tourism.READ MORE