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Collaboration: the key to post-Covid recovery

Helping people to acquire key digital skills is vital to the recovery post-Covid as we all know. However, one issue that we are seeing at a global level at People 1st International is just how important it is for the efforts of employers, banks, NGOS, other funding bodies and government agencies to be aligned, so that key stakeholders are in the loop on key initiatives. This will both ensure that there are no unnecessary overlaps between projects, and that funding for skills development is spent in the best possible way.


Dr. Agnė Vaitkuvienė

How to implement heritage knowledge in a countryside tourism experience

Dr. Agnė Vaitkuvienė is the President of the Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association, the owner and manager of the homestead “Provansalis”, and a lecturer at Vilnius University. She has been teaching at Vilnius University since 2006, in the courses – Interpretation and Communication of Cultural Heritage, Cultural Heritage in Contemporary Lithuania and Cultural Heritage and Tourism. She therefore combines “the best of two worlds”: practical experience as a small rural tourism entrepreneur, and at the same time a profound understanding and vision about the importance of training and skills development in this sector.


Hotel recovery levers after covid: Insights from Spain

During the months of July and August 2020, only 50% of the hotels in Spain have been open, as opposed to 100% that would have been in a normal year, a year in which we would not have been living through a pandemic. The figure is even worse for the month of September, when the operating hotel offer did not exceed 30%. From October onwards, the hotels have had to gradually close, until there is a remainder called “refuge hotels” of barely 10% of the existing capacity in Spain, as establishments open to facilitate the accommodation of transport or health personnel throughout the country.


How to improve your digital tourism skills

How to improve your digital tourism skills

In the tourism industry digital skills are becoming increasingly important as the workplace develops. Therefore, being fluent in these digital tourism skills is more in demand than ever and employers are now constantly on the lookout for employees with them. This digital demand can be seen in the industry, which is why digital workers are becoming  increasingly valuable, and employers are pushing for more skills in the industry.


7 soft skills you can develop during corona to help your tourism career

As employees are continually encouraged to work at home during the corona virus pandemic many are taking this opportunity to upskill and develop themselves further. One way this can be done is by developing your soft skills as these are more in demand than ever as the working world drastically changes in front of our eyes. Soft skills are key to ensuring that you thrive in your current role at work as well as helping you to achieve your career dreams. All of the skills listed below are crucial in any role within the tourism industry.


Banff natural park tourism

Marketing Canada’s first national park with a data-driven approach

Everything the DMO Banff & Lake Louise Tourism does start with the brand. “We strive to get an emotional connection with our visitors,” explains Diane Bures. The reason is that destinations can look similar to each other. The DMO, where 30 people work, talked with tourists in order to be able to understand how tourists feel as soon as they visit the area. Many quotes were related to how visitors experienced nature. What became evident, was the emotional connection with Banff. Movie brand story “Banff & Lake Louise Alive” A visit to Banff national park means a rare experience, an indelible awe, that will last forever. This blog emphasizes on one of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) sub-sectors, destination management organizations, and what skills are necessary in order to protect the national park from impacts of tourism.READ MORE

NTG desk research: Digital, Green and Social Skills in Tourism

According to the World Economic Forum we are today witnessing the beginnings of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Developments in previously separate areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D printing, and blockchain technology are now joining forces and amplifying one another. The impact of this will be visible in the coming years and affect European societies, industries, jobs, and amounts of free time. These changes will not only pose threats to the tourism industry but also open up new opportunities for which the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) needs to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs, educators, and workers in tourism.


Accessible tourism experiences

A meeting with Dr. Vicky Richards: Accessible Tourism

Dr. Vicky Richards, Programme Director for Undergraduate Tourism Programmes and Lecturer in Tourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) at Cardiff Metropolitan University teaches a 10-credit score module concentrating on social inclusion. Vicky has a wealth of experience and knowledge and has worked in disability services for 20 years within the third sector. From a tourism and hospitality point of view, she believes that the industry, such as hotels and restaurants, can easily begin to break down the barriers for people with disabilities and accessible tourism experiences. Next Tourism Generation (NTG) also aims to bring the attention to accessibility for all in tourism. In this blog, Heini Jones, the Communications Officer from the Wales NTG project, interviews Vicky about social inclusion and the importance within the industry sub-sectors.