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Best Practice: Promoting Gender Equality and Sustainability for Entrepreneur Women in Central Vietnam

The Southeast Asian Region (ASEAN) has seen an increase in female-led businesses in the last decade, and Vietnam is one of the countries that have increasingly invested in entrepreneurship, with women playing an important role in Vietnam’s transition economy over time (Bui, Minh Tam, and Trinh Q. Long, 2021).  However, the profound impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on women around the globe has also contributed to a gender gap in the country, as entrepreneur women struggled to keep businesses running. In the case of the tourism industry, the multiple lockdowns imposed since 2020 led to large job losses, as international tourism plays an important role in the Vietnamese tourism industry (Da Van Huynh et al, 2021). The response of the country to the reopening of international travel began in 2022, and together with other areas of the economy affected by the pandemic, there was a need to boost the sector with different economic plans, for example, extending visa-free periods, and investments in inbound tourism.


Tourism manager about education: “Strikingly more men”

Analyses of the future TOP competences in tourism clearly show that “gender equality skills” are crucial for the future. Accordingly, corresponding competence gaps must be remedied by raising awareness within companies at various management levels. Still, it seems women need to bring the extra skill to be rated as competent as men when applying for a job.

As far as the development of future key competences not only for women is concerned, NTG gives a good overview on the main digital, green and social skills. Most important to improve women’s role in tourism is to make sure they have the same access to key competencies. This would be e.g. digital skills such as evaluating and managing big data as well as know how to communicate and collaborate through digital technologies on a management level. In addition, social skills such as problem solving, communication skills as well as the ability to create a positive work environment are important management skills for both men and women. However, to pass gender inequality, women need to get access and then promote these competencies even stronger in the future.READ MORE

? Top Ten Tourism Topics of 2019

Another year has flown by and with the holidays approaching very soon, the Next Tourism Generation Alliance had a look at the most-read blog articles on the website. With the main focus on digital, social and green skills in five different sub-sectors in tourism and hospitality, many case studies, events and expert interviews were highlighted in the blog section. In the coming year, many more hot topics will be discussed on the website and shared on our social media channels.

Before we head off to 2020, let’s have a look at the top ten tourism topics of 2019. Enjoy!READ MORE

Interview with Dr. Angela Kalisch: Gender Equality in Tourism

Dr. Angela Kalisch has seen many professional sides of the tourism industry, from working in the tour operator sector in sustainable tourism, academic to now being a Chair for the charity Equality in Tourism International. She has researched, taught and worked within the industry to echo what movements she believes are important in the industry, particularly gender equality in tourism. One of the main social skills that the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) wants to bring to the attention of its audience, is gender equality in tourism. This interview will highlight several interesting insights regarding this matter by Dr. Angela Kalisch.