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European perspective on the future of food & beverage operations

Food & beverage operations


After the finalization of the NTG desk research and survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted in all partner countries to acquire additional in-depth understanding and insights into the future of digital, green and social skills from the perspective of people working in the tourism industry. Altogether, 264 interviews were conducted in the NTG key partner countries with senior managers, human resource managers, company owners, entrepreneurs, heads of department and other relevant respondents in all five tourism sectors under investigation. This blog focuses on the most important outcomes of the food & beverage operations.



Future skills in tourism and the importance of Gastronomy Tourism

Digitalization is everywhere, but not every tourism experience can be digitalized. The tourism industry has one sub-sector that remains at its best when it comes to offering un-digitalized services: the food & beverages sub-sector. However, the sub-sector includes digital, social and green skills and platforms in order to optimize this service. Currently, one of the biggest motives in the tourism industry is looking for good food experiences. The Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) aims to provide skills sets to the food & beverage sub-sector as well in order to show them what skills are necessary in order to be futureproof by the year 2030. In this blog, the trends of Food Tourism and its impact on the tourism industry will be discussed.READ MORE