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Workation: an opportunity for tourism?

COVID-19 has overwhelmed us like an avalanche: doubtless tourism PMIs have suffered this impact more than any other companies.

A few months ago, many tourism destinations were seeking solutions to the problem of over-tourism. Now, those same cities that were collapsing under the weight of tourists are desperately looking for ways to survive. Someone says that a temporary solution can be represented by workation.


Issues that need to be solved for a future-proof tourism and hospitality sector

On Friday February 21, a conference around ‘’Digitization in the Tourism Sector: Experiences and New Skills’’ took place at Unioncamere in Rome. Subject of the conference was “Digitialization in the Tourism Sector: Experiences and New Skills”. The conference was opened by Roberto di Vincenzo, president of ISNART, emphasizing the importance of tourism for the Italian economy and the need for having the right skills in working in this sector. He underlined the current gaps that are existent in the skills of the tourism workers. READ MORE