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Employment in tourism in the digital age – Impact Hub Madrid

“Employment in tourism in the digital age” was the central theme of the conference organised by SEGITTUR on World Tourism Day at the Impact Hub Madrid on 27 September. Our Next Tourism Generation Alliance key partner CEHAT presented the efforts of the Alliance.

The aim of this conference was to analyse how employment is evolving in the tourism sector, which has been undergoing a digital transformation in recent years, making it necessary for staff to develop new skills to respond to the needs of the sector.READ MORE

Federturismo and UnionCamere launch the first Italian tourism skills forum

What are the real needs of the tourism industry in Italy, in terms of digital skills as well as green and social skills to promote sustainability? What are the key initiatives and investments that support skills innovation? Which European funds are available for this industry? The first tourism skills forum took stock of the situation and was launched by NTG Alliance key partners Federturismo Confindustria and UnionCamere during a meeting held on 6 June at Unioncamere, the Italian Union of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture.READ MORE