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NTG desk research infographic

The Next Tourism Generation (NTG) desk research report has been composed by Breda University of Applied Sciences, focusing on digital, social and green skills in the tourism industry in Europe. Furthermore, the most important trends, issues and challenges in digital and sustainability skills development for the tourism and hospitality sector were being reviewed in the partner countries involved in the NTG project (Bulgaria, Germany, UK, Spain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy and the Netherlands). Each partner completed a comprehensive analysis of the situation regarding digital and sustainability skill sets in their country across five tourism and hospitality sectors:READ MORE

NTG desk research: Digital, Green and Social Skills in Tourism

According to the World Economic Forum we are today witnessing the beginnings of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Developments in previously separate areas such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D printing, and blockchain technology are now joining forces and amplifying one another. The impact of this will be visible in the coming years and affect European societies, industries, jobs, and amounts of free time. These changes will not only pose threats to the tourism industry but also open up new opportunities for which the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) needs to prepare the next generation of entrepreneurs, educators, and workers in tourism.


The start of deskresearch and data collection on skills gaps in tourism

Since the start of the project in march, each Next Tourism Generation (NTG) partner collected and studied an overview of existing information, studies and reports regarding tourism skills assessment, future needs, trends and developments in Digital and Sustainability Skills.  All partners have been activated to conduct the desk research of the current situation regarding digital and sustainability skills development in their country, current delivery types and future needs. After June 1, the results will be consolidated into a comprehensive report, representing the management summary of the secondary data analysis which will, in turn, provide input for the next steps of primary data collection: the collection of best practices, an online survey and expert interviews.