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Improving the image of travel tech through the eyes of Booking.com

From the perspective of the sub-sector, accommodation, Booking.com is a technology-based platform, one of the biggest companies operating in the travel and tourism domain, influencing and dominating the way consumers book their stay. Booking.com showcases the future of Europe and is actively playing a role in attracting more tech talent towards the EU. Therefore good universities are needed and businesses and politics should lead to improve the image of tech in Europe. The Next Tourism Generation followed a deep conversation with Booking.com during The Next Web Conference in The Netherlands. In this blog the Next Tourism Generation Alliance (NTG) summarises the key facts from this interesting talk with Gillian Tans, chairman at Booking.com, the woman behind the growth of the online booking platform for accommodation. The talk included discussion about what companies can do to improve the image of working in travel?