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Federturismo Confindustria – Italy

Federturismo Confindustria is the Italian Travel and Tourism Federation and represents the companies operating in the different areas of the tourism industry. It belongs to the Confindustria system and currently includes 21 sector associations, 9 company members (directly associated) and several local associations.


Members include all the major players in the market and in some case 100% of the companies in the business areas (hotels, villages and resorts, campings outdoors, tour operator and travel agents, thermal resorts, convention centers, sailing, marinas, beach resorts, amusement and theme parks, industrial museums, ski lift operators, entertainment and travel retail).


Main activities:

  • strict collaboration with the policy makers and legislators for the preparation of the main tourism laws and fiscal documents;
  • representing the tourism industry in preparation of one of the major national collective agreement;
  • collaborations with Institutions for structure of vocational training courses for tourism’ person in charge;
  • promotion and patronage for some Universities for masters and courses on tourism;
  • participation at the main international tourism exhibition held in Italy.


Visit the Federturismo Confindustria website