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Hotel recovery levers after covid: Insights from Spain

During the months of July and August 2020, only 50% of the hotels in Spain have been open, as opposed to 100% that would have been in a normal year, a year in which we would not have been living through a pandemic. The figure is even worse for the month of September, when the operating hotel offer did not exceed 30%. From October onwards, the hotels have had to gradually close, until there is a remainder called “refuge hotels” of barely 10% of the existing capacity in Spain, as establishments open to facilitate the accommodation of transport or health personnel throughout the country.


European Commission funding Tourism through Tourism Manifesto

On the 14th October 2020 the European Commission announced that “if it is not in the plan, it is not in the budget”. Referring to their funding opportunity urging Member States to submit their recovery and resilience plans in order to receive assistance. Tourism must be a key incorporation within the plan, as it is such an important sector within Europe, needing an estimated €161 billion investment to return to pre-COVID 19 levels. “In order to harness the potential of the sector to generate jobs and growth, and to reap the benefits from green and digital transitions” it is important to continue having skills and competencies developed.


How digital workers have become invaluable in 2020

How digital workers have become invaluable in 2020

In 2020 an increasing demand for digital workers has been noted, with industries relying on employees to work from home to stop the spread of COVID-19. The tourism industry has been no different, relying on employees being digitally present, showing how working digitally has become invaluable this year.


Accessibility in Tourism: challenges and opportunities

Globally the WHO estimates that 15% of the population has some kind of need for accessibility assistance. For these people, accessible space is essential to be able to carry out daily activities including their leisure time. Also, many people have some temporary difficulty such as pregnant women, recovering from an accident, children, etc. The progressive ageing of the population associated with a longer life expectancy in developed countries also is causing an increase in the number of people with reduced mobility.READ MORE

Challenges and the importance of skills in tourism sub-sectors during and after Covid-19

In this two series blog, the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Consortium present the communication of Impact of Covid-19 on skills development and employability in the tourism sector in terms of challenges related to skills development, how such challenges may change and what the impacts may be on tourism sub-sectors during and after the crisis. In this blog, NTG focuses on the importance of the development of skills and potential impacts on the sub-sectors during and after the Covid-19 crisis.READ MORE