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Hungary Spa Tourism Manpower Workshop

On September 12, the Hungarian Spa Tourism Association organized the Spa Tourism Manpower Workshop where managers and employees of thermal hotels and spa’s and higher educational institutes gathered together. Our Next Tourism Generation Alliance key partner VIMOSZ attended the workshop and presented the current state of affairs of NTG.

During the round table discussion of the Spa Tourism Manpower Workshop, several key elements and insights were being shared among the attendees.



Social skills are of high importance (for example language skills are still missing or not satisfying) as employees play a key role in forming the image of the service provider. Training on social skills (like conflict management, communication) is an important tool in retaining employees and also in keeping the level of service high.



Possibility and need: digitalization and automation can effectively ease labour shortage if these are integrated into the processes (they don’t “steal” the jobs of humans as this is a labour intense sector but can execute better some processes – like visitor management).



Green skills are currently more important in the EU, but we need to focus on them as well.


With those insights derived from the Spa Tourism Manpower Workshop, the attendees will be able to implement certain elements and skills to optimize their services.


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