White Paper for hospitality in Europe – towards sustainable tourism
Next Tourism Generation (NTG) key partner CEHAT is a full member of HOTREC, the umbrella association of Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Cafes and similar establishments in Europe.
HOTREC is focusing on tourism development by promoting the growth within the industry, creation of jobs and innovate where possible. The organization brings together 42 National Associations in 30 countries and is the voice of the hospitality industry in Europe.
The hospitality sector plays a major part in the tourism industry, whereas both industries lift each other up in the workforce.
White Paper – Hospitality in Europe
Recently, the association published a white paper about Hospitality in Europe and how they contribute to sustainable tourism in Europe. The White Paper emphasizes the importance of the hospitality industry and how it can support sustainable tourism in Europe. Below, a short summary and a link to download the Paper can be found.
First of all, the hospitality sector plays a huge role in the European economy in terms of employment and direct contribution to the economy. Combining tourism and hospitality, the sector is encountered as the 3rd largest socio-economic activity in the EU (see figure 1). Furthermore, the White Paper also shows that the sector provides many jobs for the younger ones (below 25). The hospitality and tourism industry is seen as an important sector for young people, having their first jobs.
Figure 1: Total tourism employment in Europe (HOTREC, 2019)
Furthermore, HOTREC (2019) also states that the hospitality and tourism sector also provides opportunities to unskilled people (lower secondary education) and to women (gender equality – around 54% people working in this industry are women). Lastly, this sector is also seen as one of the key enablers and contributors to growth in Europe.
Figure 2: The sub-sectors of Next Tourism Generation
The need for sustainable tourism and further innovations is also rising in the tourism sector, as a result of the changing demands of the customer. In order to meet those demands, the industry has to respond to skills shortages by providing adequate training to staff. In this way, the industry could remain the 3rd largest socio-economic activity in Europe.
The development of the hospitality industry | 2014 – 2019 EU Mandate
Collaborative Economy: fair competition and ensure consumer protection
Digital: regulation of online platforms
Taxation: reform the VAT scheme and continuation to allow low rates for hospitality services
Consumer affairs: transparent and fair online platforms for consumers
Data protection: creation of a framework
Future plans of the hospitality industry towards sustainable tourism in Europe | 2019 – 2024
A concise and concrete partnership between HOTREC and the EU institutions is necessary in order to boost the industry’s contributions to developments, growth and the creation of jobs in Europe. HOTREC has established 5 priorities in order to work effectively together towards a sustainable tourism industry.
5 priorities for EU policy and decision-makers
1: Collaborative economy: implement the actions taken by the European Commission in 2018 to allow for responsible and sustainable tourism and go further
2: Better regulation: new thinking on subsidiarity and exerting EU competences is needed
3: Digital: revise the EU regulatory framework to recognise platforms’ liabilities and ensure a fairer and more balanced digital single market
4: Food policy: foster voluntary initiatives on diet and nutrition for local food services of horizontal EU legislation
5: Social affairs: skills – make the fight against skills shortage a truly EU case
Download the White Paper below in order to read the full report and get more detailed insights
HOTREC White Paper
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