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Presentations and video’s of the NTG Final Conference

In view of the project’s closure at the end of June, a Final online Conference was organised and held on June 9th, attended by approximately more than 150 participants from the tourism sector across Europe.

Among the invited experts were Dr. Dan Tromans – Qualification Wales, Georges el Hajal – NHL Stenden,  Marie-Hélène Pradines – European Commission, Martha Machado – HOTREC, Stefan van Tulder – Talent Data Labs and Josie and Theodor Grassos – EVBB to talk about the need for skills development in tourism. They shared best practices and their perspective on the future of tourism when it comes to skills.

Divided into four modules, the online conference brought together tourism stakeholders from government and policymakers, to industry and education and training institutions on European, national, and local/regional levels. The program was filled around four major topics, discussing current and future needs and the transition of green, digital and social skills development in tourism. Every module focuses on topics such as ‘Collaborative framework on skills development and the NTG Blueprint’, ‘Innovation in Education, Skills Training, and curriculum development’, ‘Assessing skills gaps and future skills needs in tourism’, ‘The road ahead on skills in tourism – Pact for Skills and PANTOUR’. 

The conference also showcases the work done under the Next Tourism Generation project and highlights how the Blueprint project will stimulate the Transition Pathway regarding skills and how the project feeds into the Pact for Skills in Tourism.

Watch it now:  NTG Final Conference 9 June 2022 – YouTube 

Finally, after the conference, the final NTG Consortium meeting took place in Madrid, and the efforts of NTG will be continued in a new project: PANTOUR. The project’s legacy will be the reference for bridging skills gaps and future skills needs in tourism, promoting the Next Tourism Generation Blueprint and the Skills Lab Platform, among other relevant skills resources and tools the project delivered.



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