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NTG represented in Montenegro on 8 May 2019: 4th EUSAIR Forum

The 4thEUSAIR Forum jointly organized by Montenegro and the European Commission and with the support of the strategic project EUSAIR Facility Pointwill take place in Budva, Montenegro on 7 –8 May 2019. The event is organized back to back and in coordination with the 2ndForum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities.

The two events represent joint effort of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Integration Office and Chamber of Commerce. They will be a great and unique opportunity for promotion of deeper and wider cooperation between EUSAIR-EU member states and candidate/potential candidate countries participating in the EUSAIR with special focus on the fields of Blue Growth and Tourism.

On May 8, Silvia Barbone (head of EU project and partnerships Next Tourism Generation) will represent NTG with a session about skills gaps and weaknesses of the tourism labour market and how to match skills to sector’s needs.

The topic  is in line with European Commission’s first political priority, “A New Boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment” and the New Skills Agenda for Europe1adopted on 10 June 2016. The Agenda seeks to address three pressing challenges of today’s economies: the lack of relevant skills to match labour market needs, the insufficient transparency of skills and qualifications, and the difficulty to anticipate and forecast skills. It has launched the ‘Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills’ to deliver sector-specific skills solutions, facilitate the mobilisation and coordination of key players, stimulate investment and encourage a more strategic use of EU and national funding opportunities. To this aim, the European Tourism Blueprint calls for a tourism sectors skills alliance between national/regional authorities and key European stakeholders from education, industry and policy making.

For more information, click here 

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