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Final NTG Blueprint Document

The Blueprint document is an output of the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance, a strategic and multi-layered collaborative partnership formed in 2018. Building on previous work by the European Commission and sectoral partners to address skills gaps in tourism, the NTG Alliance is one of the Sector Skills Alliances set up as part of the Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills. Each Sector Skills Alliance is funded by the Commission and was tasked with setting up a Blueprint.

The NTG Alliance has developed the first Pan-European Skills Blueprint for the Tourism Industry, presented in this document. The Blueprint provides a roadmap for addressing digital, social and green skill needs in the tourism sector in Europe through transformational collaboration between industry, education, social partners and government.

Responding to the skills needs of the tourism, travel and hospitality sector is particularly important in the context of the recovery of the industry post-COVID-19. Addressing the impacts of the COVID crisis on the tourism and hospitality sector calls for creative and unprecedented solutions and for finding opportunities for effecting lasting change at the systemic level.

Putting that into practice requires radical changes in the way we educate, do business, shape policy, and organize the future of tourism and hospitality. The European Commission in policy documents and instruments such as the European Skills Agenda and the Pact for Skills Charter has identified collective action and collaboration as essential in achieving that goal. To that end, the Blueprint brings together the professional knowledge of numerous stakeholders and focuses on addressing skills gaps through encouraging transformational change at regional, national and European level. Furthermore, it underpins the Pact for Skills by providing a framework for building collaboration to support skills development for a sustainable future.

Access the Next Tourism Generation Blueprint here.

Download the Next Tourism Generation Collaborative Framework here.

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