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Tourism and hospitality along the lines of sustainability by VIMOSZ

As a Pantour consortium member, VIMOSZ is currently involved in 4 projects with sustainability and socio-economic issues as common points. Three projects have the common goal of promoting sustainability. The WASTELESS and Plan’Eat projects focus on sustainability of the food ecosystem by reducing food waste and promoting healthy, sustainable eating habits. The TOURBAN project focuses on the sustainability of urban tourism by introducing innovative solutions and sustainable business models.

Sustainability is essential in the hospitality sector

The WASTELESS (Waste Quantification Solutions To Limit Environmental Stress) Horizon project aims to measure and reduce food waste in the European Union. The EU food chain produces nearly 88 million tons of food waste every year, which has a major impact on society, the economy and the environment. The EU food service has always been committed to finding and applying sustainable solutions. WASTELESS is a new EU-funded program that develops tools and methodologies, and makes measurement and monitoring recommendations to reduce annual food waste and wastage by at least 20%.

The Plan’Eat project is a four-year Horizon program similar to WASTELESS, entitled “Transition towards healthy and sustainable eating habits”. It involves 24 organizations from 12 European countries. The main objectives of the project are to promote healthy and sustainable eating habits and to develop effective recommendations, tools and interventions for food industry stakeholders. The project aims to identify the factors that influence dietary habits and to integrate a multi-faceted and systemic approach at macro (food system), meso (food environment) and micro (individual) levels.

The TOURBAN COSME project aims to promote the sustainability of urban tourism areas in Europe through cross-sectoral cooperation. By leveraging the capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises, the project will adopt good practices and develop innovative solutions that will make these enterprises more sustainable and competitive. It also aims to help European tourism businesses adapt to a more sustainable, low-carbon, and resource-efficient business. This project focuses on the sustainability of urban tourism areas in Europe by leveraging the capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises. This includes cooperation between tourism, hospitality, and other related sectors. This cross-sectoral partnership and knowledge sharing will allow the transfer and adaptation of innovative solutions and best practices.

All three projects recognize that achieving sustainability has socio-economic impacts. The WASTELESS and Plan’Eat projects will have a positive impact on society and the economy by reducing food waste and promoting healthy eating behaviors. The TOURBAN project will contribute to strengthening the local economy and making tourism businesses more competitive by developing sustainable urban tourism.

Sustainable tourism development within the NTG Alliance

The PANTOUR project is a follow-up of the NTG project (Next Tourism Generation Skills Alliance). The NTG Alliance has created a platform for cooperation and knowledge sharing between actors in the European tourism sector. The PANTOUR consortium – based on the previous knowledge and tools developed by the NTG Alliance – develops further knowledge and tools in the field of strategic and sustainable approaches and the management of cooperation between vocational education, training, higher education, and tourism sector businesses.

We shall work on integrating the results of the allove sustainability projects among the new “green” skills and new operational profits of PANTOUR.


Author: Hungarian Hospitality Employers’ Association (VIMOSZ)

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