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PANTOUR – Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills

PANTOUR is a follow-up project of NTG (Next Tourism Generation Skills Alliance). The PANTOUR consortium builds on previous knowledge and tools produced by the Blueprint for Sectoral Skills project/NTG Alliance and will develop new tools and methodology to address strategic and sustainable approaches and cooperation between vocational education, training, higher education, enterprises of the tourism sector, looking to boost innovation in Europe. All project outputs of PANTOUR can be found on this platform.

Project Scope

Respond to the skills needs of the tourism industrial ecosystem and offer concrete, innovative skills solutions to address the gaps especially in the digital and green sector but also in the field of social skills that are critical in a personalized service sector

Map urgent skills needs and new skills and occupational profiles in the industrial ecosystem resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, impacting the green and digital transition in careers in the tourism industry.

Build on previous knowledge of the NTG project, partnerships, and resources to address the skills needs and development in the sector at all levels

Extend the scope of the NTG project, adding new sub-sectors and business models to those already analysed and addressing the new challenges generated by disruptive factors through the design and implementation of new strategies and operation tools

Develop opportunities in the ecosystem by facilitating participation in lifelong learning activities, implementing actions and a work plan in partnership with VET and HE providers as in building training programmes for individuals in smaller and larger scales in the EU

Build strong skills partnerships with the creation of National/Regional Skills Groups at local level, in partnership with small and medium sized enterprises and following the European skills agenda

Making lifelong learning a reality, developing innovative learning solutions and promoting inclusiveness and access to education

Digital skills

Skills based on digital transformation and technology in online marketing, use of data and data analytics, use of technology via artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual and augmented reality applications.

Green skills

Skills based on resource management waste, water and energy services including principles of circular economy in the design of tourism value chains, sustainable design and management techniques.

Social skills

Skills based on behavioural and practical attitudinal competences in interpersonal communication, accessible tourism knowledge, gender equality, cross-cultural understanding and customer service.
