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The importance of sustainable tourism

The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit consists of a set of resources with guidance notes on how they can be used by educational establishments, training providers, employers, government departments, and individuals to enable them to review the green, social and digital requirements within the hospitality and tourism sector and to use the toolkit to support them in developing and/or updating their resources.


The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit can be used to:

  • Map against existing training and qualifications, job profiles, training needs analysis, job descriptions, responsibilities, tasks, etc. for the stakeholder to identify skills, knowledge, and behaviors already present and identify gaps.
  • Inform and support the development of curriculum and training programmes within educational establishments, training providers, employers’ training, and HR departments.
  • Inform and support developing job profiles, recruitment campaigns, development, and training plans.
  • Show skill and knowledge requirements that may be required in order to progress within or move between sectors/roles.
  • Access useful examples to contextualise the data and help give insight as to how the skills and knowledge can be used by training providers, employers and individuals.
  • Provide training providers and employers examples of good practice and resources.


Start exploring the NTG Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit:



What: This provides an overview of the toolkit and how we believe the toolkit will be useful.

Who: All potential users of the toolkit including training providers, educational establishments, employers, human resources (HR) departments, sector skills organisations, NGOs, government departments and individuals.

When: Depending on the end user, the toolkit may be used for:

  • curriculum, qualification or training programme/course reviews
  • identifying training needs and creating courses
  • helping build job profiles, person specifications and career pathways
  • informing performance management appraisals
  • continuing professional development (CPD)
  • reviewing present standards
  • career guidance
  • checking what digital, green and social skills are required in tourism and hospitality.
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What: Mapping can be used to compare the skills and competencies in an online matrix against your existing skills and competencies to identify any digital, green and social skills gaps.

Who: Training providers, educational establishments, employers, managers, HR departments, sector skills organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), government departments and individuals.

When: When a development, review, update of documentation is being carried out.

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What: In the Toolkit there are examples of curricula that have been developed based on the skills and competencies in the online matrix. The sample session plans and resources are available for the organisation to use in any way that they see fit. It may be that the session plan is suitable in length, level and content for the end-user to implement without adaptation. However, it is more likely that these will offer ideas or a starting point for the end-user to modify, add to and contextualise to suit their audience.

Who: Training providers, educational establishments, employers, training departments and HR departments.

When: When the curriculum or training is being developed, reviewed or amended. This may be part of an overall strategy to increase environmental awareness or develop the digital and/or social skills of staff and students.

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What: The toolkit has a series of tools that can help businesses perform some of their HR responsibilities. This includes smaller businesses that may not have a HR department.

Who: HR departments and those with HR responsibilities.

When: During development or revision of:

  • job profiles and person specifications
  • progression pathways
  • recruitment processes
  • identification of training needs
  • CPD
  • performance appraisals

As well as other HR functions that would benefit from insights into green, social and digital skill requirements.

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What: This guidance explains why and how a business might use the toolkit and provides a list of resources useful to businesses.

Who: Employers, managers, businesses, and business associations.

When: These toolkit resources could be used when carrying out a review of job roles and descriptions, training, performance management and recruitment.

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What: The matrix has a list of skills and competencies that reflect the requirements of tourist related industries across Europe. Individuals can use this list to compare these requirements against their existing knowledge and skills. This will enable people to identify    any desirable green, social or digital skills and competencies that they do not currently have, or that they need to update. In addition, there are occupational profiles that will help the individual user become familiar with the type of skills needed in a range of roles.

Who: Individuals with an interest in tourism and hospitality.

When: When the individual would like to find out what type of green, social and digital skills are needed in tourism and hospitality roles, especially when considering changing jobs, applying for promotion, identifying development needs for a performance appraisal, or mapping a career route.

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