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This summary report provides a synthesis of a larger published report of national and European Union (EU) frameworks for skills standards derived from eight country reports (Spain, Italy, UK (Wales and England), Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Ireland). The extended report provided a significant level of detail on relevant public and private skills-based organizations and institutional quality management of skills delivery in HE,
FE and industry training (see Appendix 1). This report summarises key skills standards processes in curricula development in Higher Education (HE), Vocational Education (VET) and Further Education (FE), and professional industry training. Some generic and specific country-based approaches are identified, and supported by annexes.

Transforming Quality Skills Standards Frameworks for Tourism and Curricula

This report summarises key skills standards processes in curricula development in Higher Education (HE), Vocational Education (VET), Further Education (FE), and professional industry training. It aims to identify the steps and processes needed in order to incorporate new skills and competencies in tourism and hospitality at a national level, derived from eight country reports: Spain, Italy, UK (Wales and England), Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Ireland.

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Transforming Quality Skills Standards Frameworks for Tourism and Curricula: Appendix

This appendix provides details on relevant public and private skills-based organisations and institutional quality management of skills delivery in eight different countries: Spain, Italy, UK (Wales and England), Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Netherlands and Ireland.

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