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What is the Pact for Skills in Tourism

Europe is the world’s no 1 tourism destination. Tourism generates more than 10% of European economy and jobs.  New trends and markets need urgent attention to maintain this position: digitalization, climate change, or sustainability just being some of them. Tasks and related skills are changing rapidly, with many jobs in 2030 not even known today.  Lack of qualified staff after COVID-19 puts additional short-term stress on the sector. The Pact for Skills in Tourism is the tool to address these current and future challenges through a close cooperation between social partners, training and education system, and public authorities.


What are the objectives

The Pact for Skills in Tourism sets the vision of 12 objectives and indicators, to be achieved until 2030 across Europe. They include amongst others:

  • Improving and extending the skills of the full tourism workforce
  • Awareness of and access to opportunities for training for all tourism services
  • More hands-on learning and training through blended concepts
  • Increase training activities and participation by 40-80% over current values
  • Detect new and emerging skills at an early stage and provide quick training opportunities to avoid gaps
  • Retain current workers and attract new employees to work in tourism
  • Better quality of jobs – more stable and better paid contracts due to higher qualification


How will you benefit

Joining the Pact for Skills in Tourism at European or national-regional level offers a wide range of potential benefits.  Depending on the main activity of your entity, this may refer to:

  • Improve the qualification of the tourism workforce with skills that they really need
  • Tourism services get more competitive and resilient
  • Quality of jobs – higher motivation of your team and less fluctuation of staff
  • Quick detection of new skills requirements in tourism
  • Immediate availability of training before gaps create problems
  • Direct participation in education and implementation policies
  • Tailor-made training programmes that fit your local and regional needs
  • Experience exchange with other regions and countries


How can you participate

The Pact for Skills in Tourism provide you the option to participate at two layers:

  • European-wide Large Scale Partnership – LSP in Tourism
  • National and sometimes also regional skills partnershipsNRSPs


The LSP in Tourism has a transnational focus. It works on topics that are transversal across Europe, monitors the indicators of the baseline document, exchanges best practices in different topics that can be replicated elsewhere, or organizes meetings and events. You find instructions about how to join the LSP Tourism here.

By joining the LSP, you automatically also agree to the baseline document.

Currently the LSP Tourism offers the following to its members:

  • Monthly online meetings
  • Forwarding of relevant urgent information on initiatives or events
  • Cooperation and exchange of experiences between partners
  • Possibility to get involved in and benefit from the activities of projects that actively support the Pact for Skills in Tourism in the field of skills intelligence, professional and occupation profiles, re- and upskilling initiatives, adaption of the formal legal framework for teaching and training, setup of NRSPs, overall visibility of the Pact for Skills in Tourism and others


The NRSPs are established where concrete and practical political decisions are taken: in the member states of the EU and its regions. Currently such groups already exist in:

  • Bulgaria
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Hungary
  • The Netherlands
  • Spain

Similar partnership shall be established in all other countries and some regions of Europe during 2023. If you are interested to join such a partnership in your country, please express your interest here.


Let us know your needs

In order to further adapt the priorities for activities and results to the need and wishes of the Tourism sector in Europe, we invite you to express your view here.


Further information

Find a wide range of resources about the Pact for Skills in Tourism for your further information in our online repository here.

For any question or suggestion, please contact: engagement@nexttourismgeneration.eu