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Associated Partners

The Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills aims at establishing close relation and new collaborations with governments, global/European organizations and ongoing (research) projects on country/national and EU-level in the field of skills development within Tourism.


The Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills consists of 14 partners from 8 countries, from academia, private and public sector active in the education/training field and tourism subsectors. The consortium will be supported by Associated Partners, to enlarge the ecosystem of tourism and skills development on green, digital and social skills.


The associated partners will be involved in the dissemination of the main Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills outcomes and will enlarge the scope of PANTOUR actions and activities. 
Associated partners pursue a mutually beneficial cooperation in the project:


  • Co-responsible participation in PANTOUR assimilated to a consortium member
  • A full partner in PANTOUR activities such as generation and exploitation of results
  • Associated Partners will be part of the long-term PANTOUR structure after the end of the project


We would appreciate your contribution as associated partner in the Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills by joining our consortium and project.

Leave your contact details by filling in the application form below.

All personal data will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The associated partner application form will be reviewed by the Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills based on the provided information. The applicant will receive a follow-up invitation to connect, followed by the relevant materials and more precise guidance.