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Tourism Sector and Skills Toolkit

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The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit consists of a set of resources within a guidance toolkit to be used by educational establishments, training providers, employers, government departments, and individuals to enable them to review the green, social and digital requirements within the hospitality and tourism sector and to use the toolkit to support them in developing and/or updating their resources.


Training Providers/ Educational establishments can map current courses and current training provisions to review present qualifications/courses to identify gaps and plan to learn and create new bite-size training courses (online / classroom / blended).


Employers/ HR departments can map for training provision, job profiles, recruitment profiles, target setting, and progression routes/ career mapping to identify training needs and create training courses, to build job profiles and person specifications to aid recruitment, performance management and progression, to feed into CPD and set environmental, digital and social targets.


Sector Skills Councils/ NGOs / Government organizations can map for current occupational standards, current career guidance in order to review present standards, progression routes, career guidance, signposting, etc with regards to green, digital and social contexts.


Individuals can map knowledge, skills, and behaviors required within the sector in order to check what is required within their present role and within future roles, to help progression, inform performance reviews, appraisals, training requests. To help inform job searches, career pathways and identify training and courses may wish to enroll on.


The guidance toolkits have been designed in conjunction with the online skills and competency matrix and are incorporated into the database to allow all users to access the guidance toolkits as they see fit.   The guidance toolkits have been developed around the three core skills areas: green, digital, and social skills. The guidance toolkits have comprehensive examples of:

  • Lesson plans, presentations, and training resources
  • Assessments and marking schemes
  • Blended learning approaches
  • Skills checkers
  • Occupational profiles
  • Mapping documents
  • Case studies
  • Examples of best practice


Uses for the Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit

Each guidance toolkit shows the skills, knowledge, and attributes needed within each of the three core skill areas: 

  • Green
  • Digital
  • Social skills


These are broken down into basic (operational), higher (supervisory and management), and executive levels across the tourism five sub-sectors:


  • Accommodation
  • Food & beverage
  • Travel agencies and tour operators
  • Destination management
  • Visitor attraction


The five sub-sectors are further broken down into functional areas: e.g. front office, housekeeping, maintenance, etc.  


The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit can be used to

  • Map against existing training and qualifications, job profiles, training needs analysis, job descriptions, responsibilities, tasks, etc. for the stakeholder to identify skills, knowledge, and behaviors already present and identify gaps.
  • Inform and support the development of curriculum and training programmes within educational establishments, training providers, employers’ training, and HR departments.
  • Inform and support developing job profiles, recruitment campaigns, development, and training plans.
  • Show skill and knowledge requirements that may be required in order to progress within or move between sectors/roles.
  • Access useful examples to contextualise the data and help give insight as to how the skills and knowledge can be used by training providers, employers and individuals.
  • Provide training providers and employers examples of good practice and resources.


Start exploring the NTG Tourism Sector and Skills Toolkit