How to use the toolkit to revise and develop job/occupational profiles
Within the Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit there are examples of occupational profiles that show roles across the tourism industry, throughout the sub-sectors and levels. The top section of the profile i.e. overview of the role, responsibilities, working environment and hours, entry requirements and progression pathways have been developed to show the typical information that you would expect to find for that role. However, the second section of the profile, where it shows Knowledge and understanding (know it), Competencies (show it) and Behaviours (live it) has been developed solely using the skills, knowledge and behaviours identified within the matrix.
This means that the end-user can quickly and easily identify knowledge, skills and behaviour requirements that are directly linked to green, digital and social attributes. This, in turn, allows for faster comparison to existing profiles and person specifications to see where the gaps are in the present documentation / resources and what needs to be added to bring the profile up-to-date and green, digital and social compliant. The toolkit has a wide- range of roles which will give the end-user a good understanding of the type of knowledge, skills and behaviours that may be needed for the role within the workplace, even if the exact profile is not included.
These profiles can be used by industry and educational establishments to understand the knowledge skills and behaviours that are required to enable a person to successfully carry out their role with regards to the green, digital and social aspects.
Within the toolkit there are some templates, checklists and guidance documents to further support HR departments, employers and other stakeholders during the process of revising and developing this essential HR documentation.